I was born on August 23, 1978 at 13 h 09 at St.Vincent de Paul's Hospital. I weighed 3315 grams, was 49.5 cm long and in good health. Upon release from the hospital on August 28th, 1978 I was placed in a foster home in Sherbrooke, Quebec and my birth was registered at Sherbrooke's town hall under the name Melanie Dionne.
My mother signed the consent to adoption on October 4th, 1978 because she felt she was too young to take care of a child. I was adopted on October 16th, 1978.
My natural mother was french canadian, roman catholic and single. She was 19 years old at the time of my birth. She was 5 ft 6 inches tall and weighed 120 pounds. Her hair and eyes were brown and she had a fair complexion. She had completed grade 12 and also learned sewing. Her interests were mostly music, motorcycling and friends. She was in good health. My natural mother had been raised in foster families and had never known her family.
My biological father was 22 years old French Canadian, Roman Catholic and single. He was 5 ft 11 inches tall , weighed 200 pounds andhad dark brown hair and eyes. My father's hobbies were mechanics and motorcycles. His health was good but he suffered from hay fever. He was an only child: his parents had been divorced for 5 years. His father, who worked as a mechanic was 47 years old at the time of my birth and in good health. My father's mother was 50, in good health, but had an allergy to penicillin.
If anyone knows anything about my biological parents, please contact me. It would ve greatly appreciated. Thanks