I have some questions about a specific case and looking for specific answers and guidance. Thank you!
I am a US citizen currently residing in the US. I have a 13 year old sister, who is not a US citizen nor a permanent resident, that I would like to adopt here in the US.
She is living in the US with me currently, she is on a B1 type visa. I'm her older brother and legal guardian back home (I have guardianship and power of attorney documents). We are originally from the middle east, so by law adoption is not allowed legally there but guardianship is.
Is there any way that I can pursue her adoption legally here in the US? And where would that put her visitor status, would I need to file any work with immigration concurrently?
I would appreciate any insight on how to handle this. And if you can let me know if my end goal is attainable?
Also, I'm married and have no children, in case there are certain requirements for adoption.
Thank you,
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Gary Carton likes this.
I don't know much about this. I also looking to get some more info about it. Thanks for your thread.