I am an Adoptee from the Elizabeth Saunders Home in Oiso, Japan from 1960.
We are planning a group reunion for anyone &/or anyone whose family members personally had, or may have had a possible direct or indirect connection to the Elizabeth Saunders Home. The reunion will take place April 14, 2018, in Japan Town, San Francisco, during the first weekend of the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival. We are currently working on corresponding with the current head of ESH who personally knew Mrs. Miki Sawada, founder of the orphanage. We are hoping for valuable personal and historical information from him that we hope to present at our reunion event.
If you haven't already joined our Facebook group page "Elizabeth Saunders Home Reunion", please do so at
You can follow our Facebook group event page for any information, details and progress of our reunion planning there, as well as to RSVP or indicate your interest.
You may also email me at
~Cindy B.