I am searching for my daughter, and I did not give up my baby girl by choice. I was taken to Cuba hospital in Western NY, and a doctor that was later found to be selling babies on the black market took her. There was no info on my daughter unfortunately. My mother and father who took me to the hospital on Dec. 25th, 1968, were fine with my baby being adopted out, but lied to me about the child. I was told by the Doctor that my baby was born stillborn, which I knew not to be true! I birthed the baby before we were able to get to the hospital, with my mother's help. I saw her face and black hair on her head. I heard her cry! I was young and my parent's made the decisions for me, but I know my daughter, whom I named 'Rhonda', is alive and would be turning 50 on Dec. 25th 2018.
I tried later to find a death certificate for my baby and none were found, which further proves to me that my daughter is alive!
Last update on October 7, 7:39 pm by Rosemary Larrabee.