I have been dreaming about meeting you ever since I learned both your names when I was fifteen years of age. My adoptive parents always wanted me to be ready before they would allow me to search for you or even give me my adoption papers. My name back then was Crystal Davis(Born January 15, 1987, at 3:06 am at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore City, Maryland). I was born with a congenital birth defect(I had a short femur on the right leg, later the leg had to have a below the knee amputation. I was told by my adoptive mother that you were homeless when you came to Baltimore(you were originally from one of the southern M named states) I don't know how old you were when you were pregnant with me. I only hope that I can find you. I know that your name is Carlena and your maiden name is Davis, according to adoption records my father's name was/is Gary Zinker or Zinger) I would love to meet either of you guys because I feel like a piece of my heart is missing and until I find you guys it will continue to be missing. I don't have a lot of money but I am trying everything that's free to try to find you guys. I know that your attorney was a public defender from Baltimore City named Andrew Hines, Esquire. I also know that you weren't originally from Baltimore Maryland. Mom I just want to find you. If you're reading this and any of what this says sounds like the baby you gave up 32 years ago then please contact me at
I sill love you and haven't given up hope that I will find you.
PS: Unfortunately sometimes people die before you can find them. If you are my extended family or if I have siblings please contact me as well. I'd love to meet all of you and get to see some pictures of my Mother and Father.
I'll never give up hope and continue to pray that I will find you guys!!
Kristie L.