Originally Posted By THouston
I haven't been able to find any information on the Internet despite the helpful hints and forums. I think maybe
by Bmom has no desire to find me. I have a question about medical background though. I plan to have children of my own and I was just wondering if that qualifies as a need to know medical situation. I know they will generally open records if it's a life threatening situation, but will they be apt to oblige my records if I need to know what I could be exposing my children to genetically? If you can help answer my question, I would greatly appreciate it.
Originally Posted By Carol Bird, Expert Birthfamily Forum, older adoptions
Dear THouston:
Please go to the top of the posting page of this Board and click on HOME. On the Index at the top of the home page you'll see EXPERTS or ASK THE EXPERTS. Click, and choose ADOPTEE AND BIRTHFAMILY SEARCH, hosted by COLLEEN BUCKNER.
Colleen can advise you on what steps you can take to obtain the information you need.
Keep in mind, too, that not EVERYBODY is into computers. For all you know your birthmom might not have one or even know how to use one.
There is an excellent Reunion Registry that is NOT on the Internet. It is called the International Soundex Reunion Registry. It is the oldest and largest Registry in the world and it is free. It has also been well publicized.
Just send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope (business size) to ISRR, P.O. Box 2312, Carson City, NEV 89702-2312.
They will send you a registration form, and when you send the completed form back to them, they will run a search for a match. If they don't find your Birthmother on the Registry, they will enter your information in hope that she will eventually find the Registry.
I wanted to meet my daughter more than anything I've ever wanted in my life, but I didn't want to interfere in HER life.
When she was 21 (the year after your birth) I registered my information and PRAYED that she would search. I waited ELEVEN years, but she finally found the Registry and ME. She had just had her first child (a daughter) five months earlier.
We've been reunited 14 years this December and I'm the proud Grandma (Grandma #3) to two beautiful granddaughters: 11 and 13. Many, many birthmoms share the same apprehensions about interfering in their child's life ... about being unwanted.
After all, we did give you up, and you already have a Mom and Dad.
Please don't give up.
Love and hugs, CAROL