Originally Posted By cindy ma
I am seeking unwed mothers who were at Crit during 1968. I have been reunited with my daughter.wondering if anyone else was as lucky as me!
Originally Posted By Cindy Mack
Sorry it was florence crittendon home for unwed mothers in Brighton ,MA.I guess my memory didn't want to remember
I believe my birth mother was there. I was born 9-7-68. She named me Michelle. She is from Worcester. She was 13 at the time of my birth. Do you remember anyone like that there?? Any information would be very helpful. Thank You!
I was there in 1972 or as I call it "on the cusp of legalized abortion in MA". This may sound really weird, but it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was like a private girls' boarding school. We roomed together, we had chores, we went to classes and on field trips. the only thing different was we were all pregnant.
June of that year I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Exactly 23 years later my birth daughter came and found me! What an experience that was. It was wonderful. Now 9 years later, we have a great friendship, and a great relationship with her adopted parents. She is married now, with 3 beautiful children.
My other daughter has known about "the other baby" since she was six, so when the reunion took place, it was exciting for her also.
I only wish that everyones' experience will be as positive as mine.
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I was there as "Cindy Mi" from 4/68 to 8/68. My daughter was born on my birthday, July 27th, and we were reunited 23 year later. If you are the same Cindy Ma, I do remember you.
My family and I are trying to locate a son that was given up by my aunt in 1968. How did you reunited with your daughter? Is there a way to un-seal the adoption records? Thank you
I sent a letter to the Florence Crittenton agency that I used in Lowell, Massachusetts telling them I would be happy and proud to have her contact me. It had all my contact info. I don't know what the law is now in Mass., but at the time only adopted children could obtain info on their parents. The agency called one day to let me know she was looking for me and we were in touch that very night. Good luck to you and your family. I was there from April until early August of 1968. Was your aunt there then?
Yes, I believe she was. I think she had her son in the summer of 68..Her name was Carol F. She was young...14 I think? I can get exact info. when I talk to my family again. Thank you for the help. My family has tried to find him and been unsuccessful. I told them I would continue the search.
Hi Cindy......I remember you from the home. I was "Cindy M" until you arrived and then was "Cindy Mi". Glad you found your child, my daughter found me when she was 23 and we had a relationship for awhile but she stopped communicating a few years later, don't know why. I was married the following year and had 3 more children, two boys and a girl. I don't think anyone today could ever understand what life was like back in 1968. Wishing you the best.