Originally Posted By Lindsey
I am in the final stages of a special needs adoption. Will probably be final in Sept/Oct of 2002. I had read on one of the IRS websites that the $10,000 tax credit for special needs may include 2002 final adoptions. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Originally Posted By Kathy G
The $10,000 federal tax credit is on the books to start for adoptions after Jan 1,2003 and goes until 2010. For 2002, there is an adoption credit, but it is for $6000 and has the "qualifing expenses" stipulation. There is an amendment to the Hope for Children Act that is currently in congress that will make the $10,000 credit retro-active to 2002, and will drop the "qualifying expesses" statement and also would extend the end date. I also had a special needs adoption completed in 2002 and no qualifying expenses as these children were adopted through family services, so I am watch and waiting for word when/if the amendment goes though. I will certainly keep you informed if I hear anything.