CJ, I'm really sorry because this reply can't help you to figure that out as i have no idea myself. I really wanted to thank you for posting it tho. That is such a huge worry for me and I absolutely fall apart at even the thought of having to hear my boy call her momma...that's going to be sooo hard and it's not as if this isn't hard enough already. My boy is only four mos right now so i have yet to experience that..i'm judging by your post that it is going to be as awful as i am expecting it to be. I really hope that someone can provide you with an answer. Maybe you'll somehow be able to figure out how to deal with it on your own. If that's the case - please let me know so that i can maybe feel somewhat prepared...I can't really see too much of anything being able to prepare anyone for that tho. It's probably once of those heartbreaking things that we're just going to have to get used to. Sorry i can't offer you any answers on how to make it better. All i can offer you is empathy and support. Hope it works out.