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From the Eyes of an Adoptee

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It all started when I was born. I was unplanned and unexpected. My birthmother was 19 years old when I was born. She was a hardcore drug addict. She did every drug out there. She had my older sister at 16 and was unsure of who the father of me was. There were 3 possibilities. I was born two and a half months premature, weighing only 2 pounds, 5 and a half ounces, and 14 and a half inches long. I stayed in the NICU for 3 months.

I was adopted, privately, on December 12, 1991. I was told I was adopted when I was three years old, telling my adoptive mom, “Mommy, I remember being in your tummy.” I had a wonderful life but often wondered about my birthmom. My adoptive parents always told me that she loved me, and that I wasn’t allowed to know anything until I was 18. At 14 years old, I broke down. Long story short, it turns out that I inherited bipolar from my birthmother. So, as the result of that, I was told everything they knew at 17. So then I wanted to find her. I called information, every phone number she gave my parents, but to no avail. I went on myspace and found her. I called her, and she said she had never forgotten about me.

And, as I always wanted my entire life, I HAD SIBLINGS! I had an older sister( 21 now) a younger brother and a younger sister( my brother is 15 and my sister just turned 15 last week) I was exasperated with excitement. It has been a rough year or so, but well worth it. I have gone back and forth to her house and formed a loving relationship with her and my siblings. Sometimes, we cry over regrets and what could have been. It’s very hard. I can’t even explain my feelings by typing. I hope that all the adoptees out there find someone like them, so they can express their emotions. It’s very hard when you are alone.

I’d say all in all, I wish I had never been adopted because it is so emotionally and mentally exhausting, especially when you are not always told the truth by your adoptive parents. I hope you learned a little about me and thank you for reading my story.

– Maria R.

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