Nathaniel from Texas

from Texas
- Age 17
- Gender Male
- Location Texas
- Ethnicity Hispanic
- Case Number 88692
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Nathaniel is a very energetic, outgoing, and friendly young man. He enjoys playing games on his handheld gaming device and would love to have his own XBOX or PS4 system. He also enjoys watching movies and playing board games as a family. He enjoys school, and he does well in his classes. Nathaniel enjoys learning new things, and his favorite class is Science. He plans to go to college in the future but is still determining what he wants to study at this time. Nathaniel enjoys hanging out with his friends and can make new friends easily. He does best in smaller learning environments with more one-on-one help. Nataniel enjoys going on hikes, theme parks, eating, and riding his bike. He also enjoys playing basketball and football with others.
Nathaniel's forever family will be willing and able to advocate for him now and as he becomes a young adult. Keeping him connected to his siblings as they move on into their next chapters will be essential for him to feel happy and secure. A family with a mom and dad would be preferred, and siblings would be fine with him.