


Age: 46

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual


Age: 45

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable

Basic Info

Age: 46

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual


Age: 45

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Spiritual

Work & Education

Education: High School and Professional Conservatory in NYC

Profession: Broadway performer/Host/Emcee/Cruise Director


Education: 2 Masters Degrees

Profession: Audio Book Narrator, Community Leader

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: New York

Us Region: North Eastern US

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 1 to 5 years

Parent Residency: Apartment

Parent Pets: Child loving Bernedoodle coming soon :)

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins, Triplets or more

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider

Jeanine Castagna Attorney at Law


Australian Beach Day w/ Evie Dovie :)
Always playing!
Always playing!
It's all about the love
It's all about the love
Singing Moana at the top of our lungs!
Singing Moana at the top of our lungs!
We'll always have eachothers backs and can't wait to add to our family!
We'll always have eachothers backs and can't wait to add to our family...
No better friend and partner to be a parent with! Excited for the future!
No better friend and partner to be a parent with! Excited for the futu...
We can still hear the squeals of excitement!
We can still hear the squeals of excitement!
Family time is the best time
Family time is the best time
Nothing better than being dads!
Nothing better than being dads!
Flying HIgh!
Flying HIgh!
Never a dull moment!
Never a dull moment!
She controls the sea, LOL!
She controls the sea, LOL!
I think I'll keep him....
I think I'll keep him....
Hanging out on Ben's sisters farm :)
Just a couple wild and crazy guys....
Just a couple wild and crazy guys....
Looking towards the future
Looking towards the future
TV time!
TV time!
Team work makes the dream work!
Team work makes the dream work!
Horsing around
Horsing around
Hanging out together
Hanging out together
We love the outdoors !
We love the outdoors !
At home, work or play we always lead with love!
Did you know Ben was in the original Broadway cast of Wicked?
Did you know Ben was in the original Broadway cast of Wicked?
Very serious ;)
Very serious ;)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Christmas robes! w/ our favorite divas!
Christmas robes! w/ our favorite divas!
We love the mountains!
We love the mountains!
Best travel buddies!
Best travel buddies!
Ben visiting the pyramids!
Ben visiting the pyramids!
Beginning the journey!
Beginning the journey!
We all scream for Ice Cream!
We all scream for Ice Cream!
Evie Dove's 5th Birthday party!
Evie Dove's 5th Birthday party!
Working hard or hardly working?
Working hard or hardly working?
Took her to the Met museum to see all the bums on the statues, LOL.
Took her to the Met museum to see all the bums on the statues, LOL.
Super cheesy and we love it
Super cheesy and we love it
Biker gang!
Biker gang!
Happy birthday.....?
Happy birthday.....?
We LOVE to travel!
We LOVE to travel!
When in Australia...
When in Australia...
Sleepy heads
Sleepy heads
Jason Mraz concert with cool niece Shelby!
Jason Mraz concert with cool niece Shelby!
We're not afraid of an ugly Christmas sweater
We're not afraid of an ugly Christmas sweater
We love our family!
We love our family!
Silent Disco, baby!
Silent Disco, baby!
Are we cool yet? LOL
Are we cool yet? LOL
We love Broadway and we LOVE Alicia Keys!
We love Broadway and we LOVE Alicia Keys!
Sydney nights
Sydney nights
Times Square!
Times Square!
With Ben's parents and aunt! They're the best
With Ben's parents and aunt! They're the best


Hello from the Cameron-Cartwright's :)
We're so happy you're taking the time to get to know us! We would love to connect with you :)


Hopeful and excited to build our family
Thanks for taking the time to get to know us :)

We'd love to connect, hear your story and share in this heartfelt journey

Hi, we're Ben and Grant, the Cameron Cartwright's. We are an NYC couple hoping to build our family through adoption. We have a warm, nurturing and super fun-loving home to share. We'd love to connect, hear your story, and share in this heartfelt journey.

Hi, we're Ben and Grant, the Cameron Cartwright's. We are an NYC couple hoping to build our family through adoption. We have a warm, nurturing and super fun-loving home to share. We'd love to connect, hear your story, and share in this heartfelt journey.

A little more about us...

We love our work, our city and eachother! And we can't wait to share that love with a child :)

We love a night out at the theatre!
About Ben (by Grant)-"Ben is larger than life. His boundless energy and capacity for love is electric. His passion for life makes you feel like you're in the warmest hug whenever he is near. I'm the luckiest guy." - Ben

About Grant (by Ben)-Grant's heart is huge and bursting at the seams. You can't escape his orbit of love, kindness and support - nor would you want to"

We live in NYC, right off of gorgeous Central Park. We have a stellar 4 bedroom apartment in an amazing neighborhood full of restaurants, schools, culture and a fabulously diverse community.

Ben was a Broadway performer for many years. These days he teaches theater and dance workshops, hosts podcasts and web series and is a frequent face on PBS. He also serves as host and emcee for the world's largest gay travel company.

Grant is from Australia! He is a prolific audio book narrator with over 220 titles to his credit! He loves recording in our home studio. He is also a community leader having been director of NY Pride Fest for years and works as a sustainability advocate and manager.

We love our work, our city and eachother! And we can't wait to share that love with a child :)
Meet Evie Dove!

If anyone was born to be a big sister it is this ball of incredible energy, light and constant joy.

We can't contain our excitement when we meet her at the airport!
Evie-Dove is Grant's five year old biological daughter and is co-parented with her amazing mom. They live by the beach just north of Sydney, Australia. We visit twice a year and she comes to NYC twice a year. She travels between Sydney and New York regularly and is an outgoing, very funny and happy kid. She is part of our everyday lives with daily videocalls. Our parenting is active and intentional regardless of proximity and Evie-Dove has formed a quick and beautiful bond with Ben who has become an extremely fun, nurturing and supportive parental figure, embracing wholeheartedly and with gusto his role in her life. If anyone was born to be a big sister it is this ball of incredible energy, light and constant joy. Riding her scooter or skateboard, and playing with her dolls, climbing trees, swimming at the beach and singing to Frozen or watching Moana excites her indomitable spirit!
We appreciate you!

You can chat with us about anything - we really are those guys :).

Being there for eachother and for you is our #1 priority
.The bigness of this time is not lost on us. We are passionate about raising a chid/children with unconditional love to become the most authentic, confident and kind people they can be. And we are here for you! We are committed to each step of this adoption journey. You will have all our support, open minds and dedicated hearts as you make this decision. You can reach out to us in any form, day or night, when and if you're ready to get to know us more. You can chat with us about anything - we.really are those guys :). We admire the strength, courage and love you have put into considering an adoption plan. Love, Ben and Grant
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: New York

Us Region: North Eastern US

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 1 to 5 years

Parent Residency: Apartment

Parent Pets: Child loving Bernedoodle coming soon :)

Children At Home: Biological children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents


We love to travel! Especially our trips to Australia. We want out family to see the world :)
Grant is a world class VEGAN baker! His banana bread and pancakes are the best!!!
A beach day is a perfect day!
We love music! Here we are at the Madonna concert. Pretty incredible!



Well we did it! Last week Ben proposed to Grant aboard a fabulous cruise ship in front of 700 guests. It was truly a magical moment that neither of us will ever forget!!! OH yea, Grant said yes :) We plan to tie the knot VERY stay tuned :)

Just a little about us, the Cameron-Cartwright's! We are so very hopeful and excited to build our family through adoption

Good To Meet You! Here's our story, in a nutshell :) After matching on both Hinge AND Tinder we decided it was in the 21st Century stars for us to meet. So we did. A date at a cafe on the Upper West Side where we both had 'an out' lasted into the late evening. We definitely felt the electricity sharing stories, histories, our favorite pop divas and a hint of a future. We live together in our home on the Upper West Side in NYC, steps away from Central Park and a little longer stroll to our favorite donut shop (we are a little obsessed!). We both have made careers in the Arts and so you'll find us at the theatre, cinema, or jumping around our living room playing some kind of game! ​We are deeply in love and it is not lost on us how lucky we are to have found each other. We feel to find someone who has the same goal of building a strong and loving family unit is out-of-this-world lucky. We are excited to raise a family under the roof of our warm, nurturing and loving home. Kids, a puppy and boundless love... Thanks again for considering us to be a part of your adoption plan journey :)

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