50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories with Beauty Revived: Part 2
Beauty Revived has joined with Adoption.com to bring you 50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories.
50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories with Beauty Revived: Part 2
Beauty Revived has joined with Adoption.com to bring you 50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories. We have found 50 amazing photographers with big hearts to donate a session to tell the story of an inspiring adoption story in their community.
Photography by Jenni Grace Photography. Find her at her website and on Facebook.
Our road to parenthood has not been easy. We went through seven years of infertility treatments and had five losses. But we never game up. We knew we wanted to be parents, no matter what. So, we decided to leave the world of fertility treatment and adopt. We were first matched with a women from Indiana, and after eight months of waiting and hoping, she choose to parent three days before her son was born.
So, we went back to the drawing board and told every person we breathed on that we wanted to adopt. On a Monday, June 10, we received a phone call from a friend that a baby girl was brought into foster care on Saturday and placed with her great-grandma. The grandma couldn’t care for the child and felt that the child would be in care for a long time. She wanted the child to be placed with us since she heard through a mutual friend that we wanted to adopt. By 5:00 pm that same day, a small, baby girl was on our door step.
We always said we would never foster and that we wanted to just adopt, but here we were, fostering a baby girl. And nine months later, we finalized her adoption, and Kassidy became a Ray.