Originally Posted By is in the process of expanding it's International Adoption Resource Center ( We would appreciate any suggestions of resources that we could add specific to Brazil. These could be any resources that you think could help parents or families who have adopted from Brazil, or who intend on adopting from Brazil. These could be sites about the culture, heritage, language, history, recipes, people, etc. of the country.
Originally Posted By choetahyes that would be nice indeed if such a list arrives how will i know? i search on the net for people who want to adopt that way; do you ? do you know websites or mailinglists on free adoption ? im so tired of looking for it ,i spent many evenings ... can you please contact me thanks
Originally Posted By JeanineThis is a note for anyone wanting to adopt from Brazil, God Bless all of you, and thank you. I know that the need for adoption from this country is in much demand. I ask everyone that does adopt from Brazil to please make sure that you receive all information that you can get your hands on, about your childs history. The reason that I say this is because that I was adopted from Brazil when I was about 6 weeks old. I am 34 years old now and in search of any infromation that I can find. I have not been able to find out anything other than that the Brazilian offices keep such bad records and that many judges that preform these adoptions destroyed records back then. It is not that the adoption was not legal, its because they felt that so so many children are either homeless or orphans that anyone that is wanting a child will give them better life than what they would receive there. Which is very true, no telling what would have happened to myself and my brother is we had not been adopted. But these are some things that I ask you to please find out for your child.I do not know what ethnic background that I am! This is very important to me, I have been searching for a long to to just find out this and have not had any luck.To know why I was put up for adoption! Was my family poor or what?If anyone has any question please feel free to e-mail me, wisejnine@yahoo.comPlease do not understand me I want all of you to be able to adopt from Brazil, I wish that I could. The best of luck to all and God Bless. Jeanine