Drop the cute spellings. Nobody wants to have to go through life spelling M-a-i-h-r-i-e every time they tell someone their name when Mary would work just as well. You're just making work for the kid that they'll have to keep doing as long as they live. . :)
DDW - I've hear the ever popular growing "nevaeh" and asked about it once. The Heaven spelled backwards is significant and the "in" thing I guess. lol.
I've always had a girl's name picked out that I never heard until the past couple years...Arianna Rose. Unfortunately my cousin stole the entire name and used it for her youngest daughter. I was a bit upset to say the least. But it does seem more popular now so I'm kinda glad we didn't use it.
Our daughter's birthfamily chose her first name, we chose the middle. Sasha Kaylynn
She was going to be Kaylynn Sasha, but at the hospital we thought Sasha suited her better for a first name. But now we have to explain to everyone we didn't chose it b/c of Barack's daughter. Her big brother picked it and I don't really think in elementary school he was aware of the elections! haha. So I'm sure Sasha will be a very popular name as she grows up. Kay is my mom's middle name, Lynn is mine and it was my 2nd favorite behind Arianna growing up.
Other favs are:
Lily Grace-after my great grandma
Clara or Claire-after a great aunt
Jocelyn-just because I think it's beautiful :)
The name that we had talked about before ever starting the adoption process was Marinda Nicole.
But by the time we were matched and close to getting DD and her bmom asked us what we wanted to name seemed too formal. I wanted something more relaxed. We searched a lot of name sites and I kept coming back to any variation of: Kaydee, Caddie, Cadie Cadee. So in the end we chose Cadie with the middle name of Bree. More often than not we use her first and middle names when we talk to her.
Names are the most integral or we can say they play a vital role in everybodys life. Nobody can estimate how much long they would along us but still they can add fame into our lives if properly chosen by our parents .My parents chosen a very unique and beautiful name for me, my mamma likes the name of a latest grooming singer Enrique and so it is my name.