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Omg I still drive myself crazy cleaning. Once you have a placement you'll probably feel under constant threat of a surprise or short notice visit. When all our placements were babies, I would do all my cleaning from 9 to midnight, because the youngest would eat at midnight then sleep through to six. And I had no time to clean during the day.
I would mostly worry about the inside, unless you have a back yard and kids old enough to play out there. We just had an inspection and we have dead grass, tons of weeds, and a half finished rock project out front. They didn't even ask about it. We also had a big rusty looking spot around the furnace in the basement, where the a/c leaked. I couldn't get DH to clean it up in time, so I just hoped for the best. They didn't notice or mention that either.
I think as long as there's I filth or danger, you'll be ok. But I know the stress of wanting it to all be perfect!