When bringing foster and adopted children into our home, with biological and other foster/adopted children in our home, how important is it to help them conform to family activities, routines, and such? I am guessing it helps them feel united and an important part of the group. But how hard do we press to have them participate and cooperate? We also don't want to bust their self-will. Suggestions?
As a Mom for our Family part of your question .
Depends on what the child has previously experienced.
How important is it to you ( Solely ) as a Mom. As well as a Couple or a ' Parenting Team '
Could you elaborate more on what you are trying to accomplish, or are you just asking a ' General Question ...'
If the Foster Child or Sibling Group is ' Earmarked ' for Renunification.
Having a routine or structure helps this relationship ' bloom and grow ' as well also.....
If the Foster Child or Sibling Group is ' Earmarked ' for Renunification.
Having a routine or structure already set up..
Helps this relationship ' bloom and grow ' as well also.....