Hi y'all!
So last evening we got "the call". We were officially certified as foster/adoptive parents on Friday and had been waiting for our first placement when at 5:30 last night we got the call, asking if we were open to taking 4 year old twin girls who they had limited info on. After learning what they did know we decided to say yes and accept the placement. Then the anxiety started. For about an hour we ran around trying to get whatever we were gonna do that evening done with before they arrived. We called the people closest to us and with their advice we decided to wait until we got them to go out and get whatever we needed.
Well that was a smart decision because we then got a call from our SW telling us that they located a relative and we wouldn't be getting the girls. After I hung up my husband and I just stared at each other in disbelief that so much just happened in an hour. At first we were a little disappointed because we had gotten excited to meet them and to have them in our home for however long that may have been. After processing it a little bit we both agreed that this was most likely really good for them since they're hopefully gonna be with someone they know and trust, and they won't have to deal with the trauma of being removed from their family. This is hopefully the best outcome for them at the moment.
This was a fire drill. That's what my husbands cousin told us and I couldn't agree more. It taught us a lot about what we need to do the next time we accept a placement. It taught us to take a breath and wait until a child is en route to our house. It also taught us or I guess I should say reminded us that this is gonna happen again. And again. And again. We chose to be foster parents as well as adoptive, and knew coming in to this that family reunification and keeping children with relatives is paramount, and that we're here to be a place of kindness and love for however long they're with us. The hard thing is that I have to remember this while at the same time in the back of my head I'm thinking this could be the first time we're meeting our child if it were to turn into an adoption. Hopefully this makes sense? :P
So now we're back to waiting for the phone to ring. I guess it's also good to know that we are on "the list" and hopefully we'll get another call soon!
Has anyone else had false alarms? How did you feel afterwards? Was it a long time till you got another call? Thanks for any advice and hope everyone is well!!
The false alarms are SO HARD!! We recently had a false alarm for a newborn we were suppose to pick up from the hospital. We got the call the day before, picked up the documentation saying the baby would go with us, and called the hospital in the morning to arrange the pick up time to find she went with someone else. It's still a little hard to get over. I have no good advice, but I get it! We're in the same boat.
I wrote about that day here: