On My Mind
I’ve got this image in my mind, a car sailing down a country road, then a thought, and they wonder, sadness creeps up, he’ll try to find us, right? I’ve got this image in my mind a kid on a bike, then a thought, and he thinks, he’s gonna try,
I’ve got this image in my mind a guy in an Irish pub, and the voices fade, stumbles through a crisp man, if they were here, but he’s got an image on his mind: a man in a small town, I’ve got an image on my mind: a young man, stumbling, I’ve got an image on my mind: the son and daughter,
They’ve got an image on their minds: a phantom face out there, And he’s got an image on his mind: he’s going to find, And He’s got an image on His mind: a man and his wife, a son and daughter, the man walks in, ..and the three joined at last. And His image is complete. © 2002 Martin Gibbs
a son and daughter, hair whipping
radio blasting, engine willing
they’re happy, they’re smiling
she’s screaming out the lyrics,
he’s just smiling.
an image,
an idea,
a face they’ve never seen,
that haunts them everyday.
and they think;
oh, if he were here?
what fun we’d have,
yet hope is always there–
they’re gonna try,
he’s gonna try,
why can’t we find him?
when is family “classified”?
…and they slowly drive on
blond hair gleaming,
he’s riding somewhere–anywhere,
enjoying a hot summer day,
hoping everybody comes to swim.
an image,
an idea,
faces he’s never seen,
that haunt him everyday.
what are they like–
would they go swimming?
oh what fun we’d have.
when he’s older,
he’s gonna try.
he can take the fight;
he’s gotta know.
knocking back the Guiness
laughing with friends,
speaking German,
smoking Lucky Strikes,
“man this is so fun
a dream come true.”
then a thought,
an image,
an idea,
faces he’s never seen,
that haunt him everyday.
he orders a whiskey,
and he won’t stop till
everything else does–
till blackness devours all
German evening,
looks up at the stars,
and wonders what the ****
it’s all about.
we’d have so much fun
and he’s drunk and bitter,
his thoughts are awry,
and he drinks some more
wondering why he hasn’t been found
a woman in a small town,
bitter she hasn’t met her brother
they sit over coffee,
they talk and share,
they wish and hope and pray
but only the wind blows.
a cold breeze on his cheek,
he’s crying,
he’s hurting,
he’d give this all up
to see them,
to meet them,
just once to be whole again.
moving through life,
existing as best they can–
always wondering what–
driving down highways,
searching towns and dreams,
a flashlight in his hand,
illuminating only walls and
“classified” signs.
he’ll break through–
the smallest sliver is all he needs.
he’s dumped the booze,
the smoke,
he’s fighting through the drivel;
he’s asking questions,
he’s found something–
he’s running with it
speeding across a highway,
towards his destiny.
waiting with baited breath,
the door’s open, arms ready.
embraces the daughter,
the son