15 Nice Things to Do for a Member of Your Adoption Triad

Get out there and do something nice to celebrate this year's "Do Something Nice Day"!

Denalee Chapman October 04, 2015
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Do Something Nice Day . . . WHO THOUGHT OF THIS?! It’s got to be the very best day of the year! What an opportunity for every member of the human race to forget themselves and to think of another person. This call to action brings lots of ideas to mind. On this happy day of service, how about we all commit to doing something nice for a member of our adoption triad? Here are some ideas to get your thinking cap revving:

  1. Go for a morning walk and pick up a beautiful fall (autumn) leaf.  After pressing it flat between book pages, send it – along with a paper listing how you’ve “fall”en for that person.
  2. Take a close-up selfie of your smile and text it with the words:  “Thanks to you, I just can’t stop smiling!”
  3. Fill an old prescription jar with strips of positive adjectives to describe him/her. On the outside, tape a “prescription” that says, “Take once daily to remember how amazing you are.”
  4. Have every member of your family call and leave a voicemail telling this person how loved he/she is.
  5. If you’re a birth mother or family member, send a stack of sticky notes for the adoptive parent to place all over the adoptee’s bedroom door. Fill each sticky note with words of praise and gratitude.
  6. In your child’s lunch bag or box, throw in an extra treat along with a note of love.
  7. Draw your child’s hand print and title the picture “5 Reasons I Love You.”  On each finger list something the child tells you about his/her birth mother.
  8. Have pizza delivered to the birth family / adoptive family.
  9. On social media, post a photo of the person with a list of things you love about him/her.
  10. Read a book on a voice recorder app and send to your child’s parents to use as a bedtime story that night.
  11. Send a pair of movie tickets with a note to enjoy a free night out.
  12. Send a favorite book to the birth mom or adoptive mom and set up a time to share thoughts as you read the book “together.”
  13. Plan to meet up at an “old folks home” as birth mom, adoptive mom and adoptee, and visit with the elderly.
  14. Send a bouquet of paper flowers with a message on each flower.
  15. Plan ahead and send a cookie sheet, spatula, apron, and recipe. Plan to bake the cookies at the same time of day. Take plenty of pictures to share!

Doing something nice is a great habit to develop – so why not start today?!  Reach out to those you love in your adoption triad and lift their spirits as you take time to show you care.

Denalee Chapman

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Denalee Chapman

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