50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories with Beauty Revived: Part 31
Beauty Revived has joined with Adoption.com to bring you 50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories.
50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories with Beauty Revived: Part 31
Beauty Revived has joined with Adoption.com to bring you the 50 Most Inspiring Adoption Stories. We have found 50 amazing photographers with big hearts to donate a session to tell the story of an inspiring adoption story in their community.
Want to learn more about Beauty Revived and see the rest of the pictures? Check it out here and on Instagram.
Photography for this session by Yehudis Goldfarb Photography, LLC Website
Hello, we are Zach and Nicole!
Zach is a financial advisor, and Nicole is a part-time newborn photographer. Our two biological children were born in 2005 and 2007, and we thought our family was complete. But after the 2010 earthquake hit in Haiti, we felt led to grow our family through adoption. We brought our daughter home from China in 2011, when she was 13 months old. We quickly fell in love with her and have enjoyed watching her delightful personality bloom!
After a few years, we again felt led to grow our family through adoption. With all of our children by our side in China, we met our newest son in November 2014, just a few weeks after his third
birthday. He has completed our family and filled us with so much joy! We are honored to be raising all four of our children, and we enjoy the blessings that come along with that calling! They are each unique and precious children, it’s a privilege to love them and watch them grow.
Our family has a passion for supporting orphan care efforts, and we love to encourage other families who are considering adoption, in the adoption process, or who have already grown their family through adoption. We serve as board members of The Sparrow Fund, a non-profit organization founded to support and equip adoptive families. Nicole is also a founder of Red Thread Sessions, a nationwide organization of photographers who volunteer their time to celebrate adoption. Our family enjoys spending time with friends and lazy summers at the beach together. Nicole blogs about their daily adventures at Living Out His Love.
Since beginning our adoption journey, our faith has grown stronger, we’ve learned more about ourselves, we have met some of our closest friends, we’ve become part of a tight-knit adoption community, and our hearts have been completely broken for the 153+ million orphans across the world. Although we’ve witnessed the loss that inevitably comes along with adoption, we’ve also seen its redemptive and unspeakable beauty.
From oldest to youngest, I’m using pen names for the post:
Angel – age 10. She is wise beyond her years, caring, patient, giving, and always a joy to be around. She loves to swim!
Lovebug – age 7. He is such a sweet, happy boy with a tender, giving heart, and always thinks of others first. He loves to build with Legos!
Sunshine – She is a creative artist who always lights up a room with her loving, affectionate personality. She loves to draw!
Dumpling – He is full of smiles and hugs, is super curious about the world, and delights in every new experience. He loves to be a part of everything!