With what seems to be a perpetual battle of “Black Lives Matter” and “All Lives Matter” filling my social media feeds, my small family of four has stepped up its game tenfold to celebrate my son’s race.
We, like too many other people wearing white skin, were raised with the notions that race does not matter, we are all the same, and color blindness is loving. Good intentions gone wrong, my husband and I made a commitment to continually open our minds, ears, and hearts to people of color who lovingly take the time to share their experiences with us. With the embarrassing realization of our complete ignorance regarding the beauty and freedom that comes with celebrating instead of “ignoring” race, we have also been intentionally incoporating our son’s race (black/African American) into our family culture.
It has been important to us since beginning the adoption journey to expand our view of the world and people; there is so much to be celebrated in all of our diversity! It is never too late to learn, to grow, and to celebrate diversity.
Here are seven simple ways we celebrate our child’s race. What would you add to the list?