Their dreams came true. It also was a first in the state of Montana, the adoption of an adult who was disabled. Brittany, Brandin and Tina McGovern became a family of three, however it was not an easy process.  Brittany and Brandin were not able to have children biologically and Brittany turned her focus to being a group home manager. In 2012, she became Tina’s advocate.

That was a turning point for the McGoverns; their future as a family started to come into place. Tina started spending time with Brittany and Brandin and, “She fit our family so well we’re like, this is what’s supposed to happen, we’re not supposed to have biologically our own kids, we’re supposed to have Tina,” Brittany reported.

Tina continued to spend time with them over the next few years and meeting their friends and family. Brittany said, “The more time goes on the closer we get and for the past two years, Tina’s been very involved in our family. You know, family vacations, Colorado trips, every holiday, every birthday, we just fit like family.”

It was a long road working through the logistics of the adoption process. Tina, Brittany, and Brandin had to work with several professionals and attorneys, as Tina was 23, an adult, and also has a disability. Adoption of an adult was a first for their state of Montana and there were many hoops that Brittany and Brandin had to jump through.

Brandin said that people made the adoption sound impossible. The fact that Tina was an adult, not a family member, disabled, added to the desire to let her be her own guardian made people skeptical.

But now they are a happy family of three. Brittany said, “We gave her the option, we will either be Brittany and Brandin or we will be Mom and Dad and it was immediate: ‘You’re Mommy and Daddy.’” Brittany and Brandin now advocate for adoption of children and adults regardless of age.

Read more of their story here.