The LeSuer family has experienced struggle and adversity in their lives. But they are happy people who trust in God. And they felt the call to adopt.
Yet the call came at a time when it was financially impossible to move forward. Their faith helped them press on. Through the urging of a friend, they began the process. Their mantra is: Lack of money should not stop anyone from pursuing adoption. Once they began — miraculously and bit by bit — the funds came in.
As doors were opened, they would take another step in the dark toward their adoption journey. And then, once again, a miracle would occur and the needed funds for the step they were moving on would appear.
Finally, the call came. There was a child. Through prayer and consideration, and even fasting, this good couple recognized their daughter when they opened the email and saw her picture.
In this video the LeSuer family shares their miracles with us.