Located in Florida, Anchor House Ministries puts all its efforts into helping boys in crisis. They’ve recently gone beyond their normal loving efforts and finalized purchase on a home in a nice neighborhood. The hope is that foster youth preparing to age out of the foster care system will have an easier transition by moving into this Anchor House home as they begin working and continuing their education.

The way it is now, in Florida, foster youth do have a choice. When they turn 18 they choose either to go out on their own — cutting all connections with the state child welfare — or they may choose the option to continue in the system. If they choose to continue, they are allowed to receive help until they turn 23. To continue, they must either stay in school or get a job. Making this choice means they will receive a monthly stipend of $200 to help with room and board. Sadly, it is hardly enough to help these youth live in a safe environment.

This is where the Anchor House Ministries’ purchase of a new home in a safe neighborhood will do much good. The home will house five boys and one adult who will serve as a mentor, an advisor, and a person of support.

The complete story may be read at The Ledger.