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getting legal custody in Oregon
Since DHS is already involved with your friend, yo...
getting legal custody in Oregon
Thank you so much for your reply. We do have an ap...
getting legal custody in Oregon
If you have someone wanting to place their child w...
getting legal custody in Oregon
Hi, my name is Jessica. My husband and I have a fr...
grandparent notification
Thanks so much Diane.
grandparent notification
In Oregon, the grandparents get the same notificat...
grandparent notification
do the grandparents have to sign anything or do th...
Step Parent Adoption
I can understand why he would want you to adopt hi...
Step Parent Adoption
dmariehill [PHPFOX_PHRASE]core.said[/PHPFOX_PHRASE...
Step Parent Adoption
As someone who was adopted by their step parent, I...
Step Parent Adoption
I would think that by your step-sons bio-dad payin...
Step Parent Adoption
Hello all, I'm new here, but have a couple quick q...
Information on agencies in oregon?
Has anyone ever used International Family Services...
Adoption Agency Trust
This is a fairly quiet might want to ...
Adoption Agency Trust
Would you mind saying which agency you are working...
Adoption Agency Trust
We have been working with an agency to adopt domes...
Help adopting child in Oregon foster care
Hi Cassandra, Here is a step by step guide to adop...
Help adopting child in Oregon foster care
Have you tried the local DSS/DYFS office?
Help adopting child in Oregon foster care
Can you please direct me to the best adopt...
Oregon Foster/Adopt
I am looking for other people involved with Oregon...