“The Blitz” turned 3 last week. I can hardly believe it.blitz - three

This child began life outside the womb at 27 weeks’ gestation; he weighed 2 lbs. 7 oz. He was tiny. I didn’t know him then, although it seems as though I’ve always known him. He went from the hospital (several weeks later!) straight to foster care, and his foster parents loved him as their own. Thus, he had the best possible start in life: two parents who loved and cherished him.

He came to us at 10 months, a sweet and joyful baby. He began crawling at about 11 months and walked at 16 months. He got his nickname, “The Blitz,” because the minute he began crawling, he was as fast as lightening and could destroy a room in seconds. Shortly after entering, he’d empty every cupboard and drawer and then leave to wreak havoc elsewhere.  He was so fast sometimes we did not even know he’d “struck” until hours later.

Now, at 3, he is still earning his nickname. Two days ago he unrolled the whole roll of toilet paper into the toilet and then tried to flush it. A flood ensued, and it took two hours (I am not exaggerating) to extract all the water.

On the day he turned 3, he told me to “put the potty in the attic. I use the big toi-yet now.”  He is also done with his high chair. He’s tiny– his birthday gifts were all size two and are huge on him– but he is big “on the inside.” He talks up a storm. So much so that occasionally, I have to say, “Shhh– Mommy needs a minute to think!” He sings constantly. His favorite songs are ones he makes up, like “I love Grandma” and “I have a new shirt” to the tune of Twinkle Star and Old McDonald.

All of this is not to brag but to say this– this child is a foster care success story. He shows no signs of attachment issues or any other trauma. He has a wheat allergy but is otherwise strong and healthy. He is happy, well-adjusted, bright, and articulate. The baby of our family is a bright light and beloved by all. I am grateful.

Photo credit:  Dreena T