


Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 35

Ethnicity: Asian

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Any child, Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable, Serious or non-correctable, Alcohol exposed, Smoking exposed, Drug exposed, Emotional/mental disorders in family, Emotional/mental disorder in child

Basic Info

Age: 36

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 35

Ethnicity: Asian

Religion: Christian

Work & Education

Education: Master of Arts

Profession: Fashion Executive


Education: Doctorate

Profession: Doctor

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: New York

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Cat

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Any child, Open to discussion, Mild or medically correctable, Serious or non-correctable, Alcohol exposed, Smoking exposed, Drug exposed, Emotional/mental disorders in family, Emotional/mental disorder in child

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider

Rosenstock Lowe & Nichols


Life with Jason and Brandon
Our Wedding Day! (Brandon's on the left, Jason's on the right)
Our Wedding Day! (Brandon's on the left, Jason's on the right)
Exploring NYC with our nephew, Boyd, & our niece, Kinsley
Exploring NYC with our nephew, Boyd, & our niece, Kinsley
Jason on a hike w/ his sister,
Jenny, & nephew, Beckett!
Jason on a hike w/ his sister, Jenny, & nephew, Beckett!
Mother-son dance at our wedding with Jason and his mom, Joan.
Mother-son dance at our wedding with Jason and his mom, Joan.
Our friends Blaire & Lauren’s 
son, Blake
Our friends Blaire & Lauren’s son, Blake
On set with The Jonas Brothers
at Jason’s job in NYC
On set with The Jonas Brothers at Jason’s job in NYC
Our nephew, Boyd, convincing Uncle 
Brandon to let him stay up late!
Our nephew, Boyd, convincing Uncle Brandon to let him stay up late!
Hanging in Florida with 
our close friend, Lindsay
Hanging in Florida with our close friend, Lindsay
Spending time in Michigan with 
our youngest nephew, Kurt
Spending time in Michigan with our youngest nephew, Kurt
Brandon & his mom, Jenny, at medical 
school graduation...officially a doctor!
Brandon & his mom, Jenny, at medical school graduation...officially...
At the medical school formal before 
Brandon was officially a doctor
At the medical school formal before Brandon was officially a doctor
With our nephews, Levi &
 Weston...they’re both 7 now!
With our nephews, Levi & Weston...they’re both 7 now!
In NYC w/Jason’s childhood dog, 
Winnie & our cat, Mariah Kitty
In NYC w/Jason’s childhood dog, Winnie & our cat, Mariah Kitty
Swimming with dolphins in Punta Cana!
Swimming with dolphins in Punta Cana!
Mary Lambert sang her song  
Same Love as we walked down 
the wedding aisle!
Mary Lambert sang her song Same Love as we walked down the weddin...
Our first dance at our wedding 
under the stars in Mexico!
Our first dance at our wedding under the stars in Mexico!
Our close friend, Maddie, officiated the ceremony on the beach in Mexico!
Our close friend, Maddie, officiated the ceremony on the beach in Mexi...
Jason's Family
Jason's Family
Both of our families together at our wedding!
Both of our families together at our wedding!
Swimming in the lake with our
niece, Payton!
Swimming in the lake with our niece, Payton!
At our local park with Kinsley (our niece), Boyd (our nephew), & Jason’s Dad (Derek)
At our local park with Kinsley (our niece), Boyd (our nephew), & Jason...
Brandon’s late father, Jin Hwan, and mom, Jenny at our wedding
Brandon’s late father, Jin Hwan, and mom, Jenny at our wedding
Our friends all flew to Mexico for our wedding! Mary, Brandon, Jason, Kristina, Steve, Tess, Denise
Our friends all flew to Mexico for our wedding! Mary, Brandon, Jason,...
Our friends Kristina & Steve’s 
son, Christian!
Our friends Kristina & Steve’s son, Christian!
Christmas morning with our 
nephews,Weston & Zayden
Christmas morning with our nephews,Weston & Zayden
Taking our nephew, Levi, to his first concert  w/ our sister-in-law, Amy!
Taking our nephew, Levi, to his first concert w/ our sister-in-law, A...
Ready for the gala! (Brandon’s on 
the left, Jason’s on the right)
Ready for the gala! (Brandon’s on the left, Jason’s on the right)
Uncle Jason & Payton (our niece) playing with our cat, Mariah Kitty
Uncle Jason & Payton (our niece) playing with our cat, Mariah Kitty
Teaching our nephews, Weston & Zayden
 how to make home made spaghetti!
Teaching our nephews, Weston & Zayden how to make home made spaghett...
Doctor Brandon hard at work in NYC
Doctor Brandon hard at work in NYC
Tea party at the American Girl store w/ our nephew, Boyd, & niece, Kinsley
Tea party at the American Girl store w/ our nephew, Boyd, & niece, Kin...
Uncle Jason and our youngest nephew, Kurt
Uncle Jason and our youngest nephew, Kurt
At Hamilton with Brandon’s sisters, 
Angie (left) & Shauna (right)
At Hamilton with Brandon’s sisters, Angie (left) & Shauna (right)
Our nephew, Kurt, loves Uncle Brandon
Our nephew, Kurt, loves Uncle Brandon
Goofing around at our condo in Brooklyn with our nephew, Levi, and our niece, Payton
Goofing around at our condo in Brooklyn with our nephew, Levi, and our...
Uncle Brandon taking our niece, Payton, on a train ride!
Uncle Brandon taking our niece, Payton, on a train ride!
Summer hangs with our friends 
Kristina & Steve’s son, Christian
Summer hangs with our friends Kristina & Steve’s son, Christian


Exploring NYC with our nephew, Boyd, & our niece, Kinsley

We know you want the best for your little one and promise that we do too.

Hi there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. We know that if you’re reading this, you have a major decision ahead of you, so we put our story and pictures together to help you make this decision. This profile will give you a glimpse into our lives together to help you begin to get to know us.

We sincerely appreciate the love, strength and selflessness that it takes to consider adoption for your baby. It is incredibly humbling to us to be considered as the adoptive parents for your child. We know you want the best for your little one and promise that we do too. We love children and have always dreamed about being parents. We would be honored and thrilled to devote our lives to your child, and we feel completely ready to do so – emotionally, financially and logist...

Hi there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know us. We know that if you’re reading this, you have a major decision ahead of you, so we put our story and pictures together to help you make this decision. This profile will give you a glimpse into our lives together to help you begin to get to know us.

We sincerely appreciate the love, strength and selflessness that it takes to consider adoption for your baby. It is incredibly humbling to us to be considered as the adoptive parents for your child. We know you want the best for your little one and promise that we do too. We love children and have always dreamed about being parents. We would be honored and thrilled to devote our lives to your child, and we feel completely ready to do so – emotionally, financially and logistically.

With love,
Jason & Brandon


Becoming parents is something that we take very seriously and will always be our priority

In NYC w/Jason’s childhood dog, Winnie & our cat, Mariah Kitty
We’re Jason and Brandon and we’ve been happily together for over nine years and married for five.

Our home in New York City is filled with love, laughter, and food. Brandon does the majority of the cooking; he makes insanely good salmon tacos with mango salsa. While Jason can make the best fruit smoothie you’ve ever tasted he’s quick to admit that he’s not the chef in the family, which is why he’ll always be the one who handles the dishes. Fair is fair! Jason also handles the majority of the entertaining - we love to host family from out of town, and it’s important that our home is a place where our loved ones can feel totally comfortable. Together, we love music, live theater and traveling, but we can also always appreciate a night in with a good board game and of course, our cat… Mariah Kitty. She’s the diva of the house.

We’re each very passionate about our careers; Brandon is a really caring medical doctor and Jason is works in the creative field as a fashion executive. While we love what we do, we always make sure to prioritize our relationship with each other as well as with our family and friends. At the end of the day, it’s those relationships that matter the most.

Needless to say, becoming parents is something that we take very seriously and will always be our priority. We both can work from home so we will be able to be very present parents once we are lucky enough to adopt. We have firsthand seen how beautiful adoption can be. Jason’s sister, Jenny, and brother-in-law, Josh, adopted our niece, Kinsley, in 2020. Over the last four years, we’ve had the privilege of watching Kinsley thrive; she loves American Girl dolls, Bluey, and anything pink and sparkly. It’s been the opportunity of a lifetime to be her uncles. We also have several close friends and extended family members who adopted with similar positive experiences. This is one of the important reasons why when we decided that we were ready to be parents, we knew beyond the shadow of a doubt adoption was the right choice for us. We feel very strongly that we don’t need a biological connection with a child to be unconditionally committed to that child.

This always surprises my friends who have met me later in life, but I grew up in a small town in Michigan…literally on a corn field. My parents, Derek and Joan, have four kids: DJ (the oldest), Ryan, me, and my little sister, Jenny. My family has always been extremely close. Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of money, but that didn’t get in the way of us bonding and spending quality time together. I have countless memories of us creating pillow forts, putting on elaborate plays (that we would film with our wealthy friends’ fancy video camera), and roughing it on summer camping trips. I can’t wait to recreate these activities with your child. It was instilled in me at a very young age that family always comes first.

While my childhood was filled with love, there were some hard times we faced together as a family. When I was just 9 years old, my little sister Jenny was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer. It was scary for all of us, especially given all the unknowns that come with cancer. That same year my mom was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. To this day, I vividly remember being so impressed with how strong my parents were through all of it. When I would cry, they would hold me and assure me that everything was going to be okay. This was an extremely formative experience and I’ve carried it with me through all of the ups and downs that I’ve faced in life. Luckily, Jenny is in full remission, and my mom has been able to manage her MS. I stayed close to them throughout college and grad school and it was my mom who insisted I break free from the Michigan bubble to fulfill my dreams. That’s when I decided to move to Los Angeles to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

It’s no secret that breaking into entertainment is a harrowing task. I took on any and every job that came my way: I was a PA for Joan Rivers and worked as a reality tv producer, a writer, and a red carpet host. It was a lot of work that sometimes left me questioning my decisions, but it ultimately paid off in the end. I currently run the video program for a major magazine company where we make all kinds of fun celebrity, fashion, and entertainment content.

“Anyone who knows Jason can confirm that he will be a great dad. He has such a big heart – he’s incredibly kind, generous, patient and open-minded. No matter who he’s talking to, he’s always able to make someone feel like the most important person in a room. Jason is also just so much fun to be around - he has the most infectious laugh, and he fills my life with so much joy and stability. He always makes me want to be a better person and tends to bring out the best in those around him. I can’t wait to see him make your child feel so loved and special, just as he’s done with me all these years.” - Brandon

I grew up in a family of 5 in Los Angeles, California. I have an older sister (Angie) and younger sister (Shauna) – which makes me the quintessential middle child! Our parents immigrated to the US from Korea before I was born and we’ve always joked that we were raised by stereotypical Asian parents. If you’ve ever seen an episode of Fresh Off The Boat, that’s kind of exactly what it was like to grow up in my house.

My parents may have been strict (my mom is what you might call a “tiger mom”), but our household was always full of love, laughter, and most importantly: food. It was always important to my parents that we sat down to have dinner as a family every night, and that’s a value that has stuck with me. Immigrating from Korea to the US was challenging for my parents, to say the least. If I’m being honest, it wasn’t until I was in high school when I started to really understand how much my parents sacrificed to provide my sisters and me with the lifestyle and opportunities we had… this was something my parents never had when they were growing up themselves. They instilled their diligent work ethic into all three of us, ensuring they were setting us up for success. I took this opportunity and ran with it.

When people would ask me what I wanted to do when I grew up, I never had a straight answer. I knew I wanted to help people, but I wasn’t sure exactly how. This desire paired with my love of science (something my husband couldn’t relate to less!) pulled me to the medical field. Now that I’m through with way more years of schooling and training than I care to recall, I am proud to say that I received my M.D. in 2019 and am now a psychiatrist for one of the most recognized hospitals in America.

“Brandon is the most thoughtful, caring, and patient person I know. He'll go out of his way to help someone no matter the inconvenience. Brandon is an excellent listener and always gives great advice to not only me, but everyone in his life. But it’s not all so serious… Brandon’s extremely witty and funny, which he loves to remind me of. I knew early on when we started dating that Brandon would make an incredible father someday, and I’m so excited to see this dream come to fruition.” - Jason


the big picture was that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

Our friends all flew to Mexico for our wedding! Mary, Brandon, Jason, Kristina, Steve, Tess, Denise
We met in Los Angeles in 2015. We both describe our first date similarly, but also a little different...

I was working as a red carpet host when I met Brandon. Although he was extremely cute and nice, I felt like I was interviewing him the whole time. It never occurred to me that this was completely my doing.

Jason did a lot of talking and I couldn’t get a word in edgewise. There was definitely never a lull in the conversation. I did think he was cute enough to ask out again and I knew I never had to worry about an awkward silence.

Thankfully, we both agreed to a second date and the rest is history. We like to think that we’re the perfect balance of one another: Jason is spontaneous and extroverted, while Brandon is a planner and a deep thinker. Although our personalities are different, we share the same interests and values. We dated for seven months in LA when Brandon got accepted into medical school across the country in New York. A long-distance relationship is not easy and requires a lot of communication, but neither of us had any hesitation. We knew we cared enough about each other that it was going to work, no matter what. After a year and a half of flying back and forth (and accruing an impressive number of Delta miles), Jason decided to make the move to New York City.

Our friends have always said the same thing about us from the very beginning: we make it look easy. We think that’s because when you’re really in love, all of the other challenges that come with a relationship – especially a long-distance relationship – just become a lot smaller. It was all just details, the big picture was that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. Brandon popped the question on Jason’s 30th birthday. Jason is admittedly a control freak, so surprising him was no easy task. But Brandon was able to pull off the impossible – he asked Jason to marry him in front of all of their friends, perfectly timed to happen right before they all went to a Taylor Swift concert together. When “Love Story” played, that’s when it really hit us: this was going to be forever, finally.

A year later we got married in Mexico in front of our closest friends and family (in a beautiful ceremony, if we may say so ourselves!). Our good friend Maddie officiated and made sure everyone in attendance participated– she had everyone pronounce us as “husband and husband” in unison. It was a day neither of us will ever forget!


the big picture was that we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together.

Hanging with our friends Kristina & Steve’s son, Christian!
We live in a spacious condo in a beautiful and safe Brooklyn neighborhood – we were picky about finding the right spot to start our little family. Our neighborhood is super family friendly and there are tons of playgrounds, parks and even a splash pad just a few blocks away. Every Saturday morning, we spend time at the local farmer’s market where Brandon buys ingredients to make a big breakfast.
We’re just a 15-minute train ride away from Manhattan, which has made it so easy to take advantage of everything the city has to offer. We never take for granted that we have easy access to so much culture – from new restaurants and coffee shops to Broadway plays and musicals. Since we have so many nieces and nephews (more about them later), we’ve been to almost every zoo, park, toy store, and children’s museum in New York.

Jason’s family all live in Michigan, and we see them quite frequently. All of his siblings have children, so we have six nephews and two nieces who are all eager to meet their new cousin:

● DJ and his wife Kelsey have two boys: Weston (7) and Zayden (5)
● Ryan and his wife Amy have a boy, Levi (7), and a girl, Payton (5)
● Jenny and her husband Josh have three boys and a girl: Boyd (6), Kinsley (4), Beckett (2), and Kurt (6 months).

We FaceTime with our nieces and nephews almost daily and they definitely get spoiled by their “favorite” uncles (their words, not ours) when they visit us in New York. When Jenny was last in town with her kids, we made sure to take Kinsley to the American Girl store and the boys to FAO Schwarz. Brandon is famous amongst our nieces and nephews for his pasta nights where he very patiently teaches them how to make homemade spaghetti. Weston and Zayden request this every time they visit, and Brandon always obliges.

We also make sure to visit Michigan a few times every year. Last year, Jason spent hours queueing on in an attempt to get Levi tickets to his very first concert with his favorite singer in Detroit. Against all odds, Jason was able to secure tickets to see Taylor Swift, and the look on Levi’s face throughout the entire show was absolutely priceless. Staying active with the family is also a big priority. In the summers we’ll spend days tubing and wakesurfing on the lake and grilling by the campfire at night.

Brandon’s family lives out in California, and we fly out to see them a few times a year as well. When we’re in California, we’re always staying active: we’ll go on hikes, spend the day at the beach, visit Disneyland, and of course, take advantage of the Los Angeles food scene.
Brandon’s family lives across the street from his uncle, who always hosts movie night when we’re in town. This baby will be the first grandchild on Brandon’s side of the family and the first niece/nephew to his sisters. They’re all so looking forward to loving (and spoiling) our new addition to the family!

Since we live in a different state than both of our families, we’ve made strong and closeknit friendships. They are always just a call away for anything we ever need and us for them too. We know we’ll always be there for each other. Our friends have been extremely encouraging and very excited about us going through the adoption process. We’re at a point in our lives where a lot of our friends are starting their own families too. In New York, we have close friends Kristina and Steve who have two young boys, Nicholas (4) and Christian (2). Our friends Blaire and Lauren just had a son, Blake (1). Our friends Claire and Frank just announced that they’re expecting their first! In LA, our friends Jeremy and Kat have a daughter, Myla (2), and are now pregnant with their second! Myla loves visits from her “uncles” Brandon and Jason and it’s been so much fun to see her grow over the years.

Holidays are very important to us and there’s no better place to be at Christmas time than New York City. We love watching the city get all decked out for the holidays – it’s quite literally like living inside of a Hallmark movie. There are so many exciting activities to do with kids: from ice skating, to seeing light shows at our local park, to looking at the decorated storefronts … and the list goes on and on. We can’t wait to share these experiences with your little one. We’ve already been talking about how excited we are to bring them to see the enormous tree at Rockefeller center and watch the ice skaters. When they’re old enough, we look forward to joining the skaters and sipping hot chocolate afterwards.

Each year, we make trips to Michigan and California in early December to make sure that we get quality time with both sides of the family during the holiday season. In Michigan, we all have a big sleepover at Jason’s parents house where we play Christmas music, bake cookies and exchange presents. It’s a well-known fact that uncle Jason and uncle Brandon give the best Christmas gifts. In California, we always find a holiday lights show to walk through and designate a day where Brandon’s whole family will get together at his parents’ house to exchange gifts, watch Christmas movies, and enjoy a big dinner that Brandon’s mom spends most of the day preparing.

Between Christmas and New Years, we love to do a “staycation” in New York. It’s a great way to spend quality time together, and we take advantage of the fact that the city is relatively empty during this time of year. We’ll spend our time exploring new neighborhoods, getting great seats to Broadway shows, and just being tourists in our own town.

Around Thanksgiving, if we’re not visiting Jason or Brandon’s families, we’ll host at our home. The morning starts with an annual tradition: grabbing bagels from down the street and having breakfast while watching The Wizard of Oz. Then, when company arrives (usually our close friends and their kids), Brandon starts cooking. Jason does whatever he can to avoid the mere sight of a raw turkey and instead assumes his role as the entertainer, hosting different activities: from board games and crafts to visiting the park around the corner. Even though Brandon spends hours in the kitchen, he loves every minute of it – especially when it comes time to see everyone enjoy the meal. His homemade stuffing is a crowd favorite.

Perhaps the most exciting holiday is Halloween. It is a huge deal in our neighborhood: there’s a festival with treats and music at our local park, and a dog costume parade. Brandon is an expert level pumpkin carver and loves to show off his skills – when your little one is old enough, we’re excited to bring them into the activity. Until then, Brandon can’t wait to carve their favorite cartoon characters into jack-o-lanterns. We are so excited to not only share these traditions with your child, but to also start creating new ones that we’ll carry forever!

We have a wonderful adoption attorney that would be happy to hear from you. Please feel free to ask us for her contact information at any time.

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.


Country: USA

State: New York

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Cat

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Host: www2