


Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 35

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian (Full)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 38

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational


Age: 35

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Work & Education

Education: Bachelor's Degree

Profession: Package Handler


Education: Associate's Degree

Profession: Financial Aid

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Closed (no contact after placement)


Country: USA

State: Indiana

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Dog

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: Twins

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian (Full)

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Badge Icon

Adoption Service Provider


Our Life
A weekend get away to Pigeon Forge in November to see the fall leaves and Christmas lights.
A weekend get away to Pigeon Forge in November to see the fall leaves...
Attending a local fundraiser with an
Attending a local fundraiser with an "out of this world" theme.
Performed a dance for a
Performed a dance for a "dancing with the stars" fundraising event. Ou...
Passing out candy at trick or treat with our dog Miss Maggie Moo
Passing out candy at trick or treat with our dog Miss Maggie Moo
Terri's family Thanksgiving with a few of her cousins!
Terri's family Thanksgiving with a few of her cousins!
Attending the local theatre's Halloween party!
Attending the local theatre's Halloween party!
Attending a concert to see one of Justin's favorite bands, Guster!
Attending a concert to see one of Justin's favorite bands, Guster!
A picture from our very first date!
A picture from our very first date!
Terri and Maggie visiting Justin at work at the museum!
Terri and Maggie visiting Justin at work at the museum!
Maggie Moo helping Justin blow out his birthday candles!
Maggie Moo helping Justin blow out his birthday candles!
Riding a roller coaster with Terri's little through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.
Riding a roller coaster with Terri's little through the Big Brothers B...
Visiting a car museum on our honeymoon.
Visiting a car museum on our honeymoon.
Christmas 2022
Christmas 2022
Our wedding day!
Our wedding day!
Dancing at our wedding reception! Our DJ said he had never seen a couple dance together as much as we did at our wedding!
Dancing at our wedding reception! Our DJ said he had never seen a coup...
Winning trivia with our team! Our team name is The Sherlock Homies.
Winning trivia with our team! Our team name is The Sherlock Homies.
Justin and his parents just being their goofy selves!
Justin and his parents just being their goofy selves!
Us at dancing with the stars with Justin's parents and Terri's mom! They came to cheer us on as we danced!
Us at dancing with the stars with Justin's parents and Terri's mom! Th...
With Terri's dad on Christmas Eve.
With Terri's dad on Christmas Eve.
Maggie on the beach in Outer Banks! It was her first time seeing sand and she loved it!
Maggie on the beach in Outer Banks! It was her first time seeing sand...


Just us saying hello and thank you so much!


Thank you for taking the time to learn about us!

Thank you for being that blessing to someone.

Hello! We are Justin and Terri, and we are so excited about the opportunity to tell you a little bit about us. We hope that it will lead us to get to know you as well. Something we have noticed over time is how God can take complete strangers and intertwine their lives so much that they become so important to each other. Being able to help someone begin their family is such an amazing and wonderful thing. Thank you for being that blessing to someone. Please know that we think you are so strong and courageous for what you are doing for your child. We are praying for you throughout this journey. Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and for considering us to become parents. It means the world to us!

Hello! We are Justin and Terri, and we are so excited about the opportunity to tell you a little bit about us. We hope that it will lead us to get to know you as well. Something we have noticed over time is how God can take complete strangers and intertwine their lives so much that they become so important to each other. Being able to help someone begin their family is such an amazing and wonderful thing. Thank you for being that blessing to someone. Please know that we think you are so strong and courageous for what you are doing for your child. We are praying for you throughout this journey. Thank you for taking the time to read our profile and for considering us to become parents. It means the world to us!

Our Story

She looked at me and said, “you are going to marry him.” She was right!

Our wedding day. A moment that makes my heart melt every time I look at this picture.
Justin and I began dating in June 2017. The way we first met might surprise some of our family and friends, but we met on an online dating site. It is surprising because Justin isn’t active on social media, while I was very adamant that I wouldn’t date anyone over an hour away. The distance set on my dating profile made sure of that. Fate had different plans for us. While attending my cousin’s high school graduation, only forty-five minutes from Justin’s hometown, my profile popped up and he sent me the first message.
Our first official date took place in a college town. We met at a coffee shop and Justin bought us Italian sodas. Then we made our way to an area with a dock on the water and sat next to each other and talked for hours. Justin invited me back there for a second date to play frisbee on the beach. I told my best friend and she looked at me and said, “you are going to marry him.” She was right!
After nine months of dating, I moved an hour and twenty minutes to Justin’s hometown. We moved into a rental home together one year after I moved. On November 16th, 2019, Justin took me back to the same dock from our first date and proposed. We were married on August 29th, 2020. The theme of our wedding was starry night and was one of the best days of our lives. After purchasing our first home awhile later, we began trying to have a baby.
The journey to becoming parents has not been an easy one for us. In November 2022, we were ecstatic to discover that I was finally pregnant. Unfortunately, my pregnancy ended up being ectopic. After many doctor appointments, tests and one surgery, our doctors decided that IVF would be our best chance at having a biological child. Ever since I was in my teens, I have always said that I hoped to have two children and adopt two children. Justin has been supportive of that plan from the beginning so we knew if IVF wasn’t successful then we would begin our adoption journey so that we could meet our future children. Which is what brings us to today!
Meet Justin (written by Terri)

Justin is also extremely caring and kind.

Justin giving Maggie Moo a car ride!
Justin is the funniest guy I know! He is always cracking jokes or telling funny stories. There is never a dull moment when I am with him. The man is full of so much knowledge about random facts. Seriously, if you ever need someone for a trivia team, Justin is the guy people call. When I would visit him while we were dating it was like I had my own tour guide of the town. Which conveniently, is one of Justin’s jobs. He is a tour guide at one of our local museums. He is extremely passionate about the museum and loves giving visitors rides in some of the old cars there. Justin LOVES to drive. Which is a big part of his other job, working for a large delivery company. Every time we take a vacation, no matter how far, he insists on driving so that we can stop along the way and see all the cool sites on our route. He is adventurous like that.
Justin is also extremely caring and kind. He loves his parents and sister so much and would do anything for them. When we got married, he accepted my family so easily and is now best buds with my dad. Sometimes I think my family likes Justin more than they like me, but I love that they love him so much!
Some random facts about Justin, he loves cars, construction equipment, planes, and tanks. Basically, if it has a motor, he thinks it’s cool. He loves music and some of his favorite bands are Guster, Simon and Garfunkel, The Head and The Heart and The All-American Rejects (a favorite for both of us). In high school, Justin played soccer and ran track.
Meet Terri (written by Justin)

She has a big heart and is always willing to help her friends and family when needed.

Terri and Maggie while visiting Justin's parents
Terri is creative and extremely driven in both her work and her various hobbies. She works for a graduate school as their financial aid counselor, but she organizes many events for the students and employees to enjoy. Terri is very involved in the community. Our local chamber of commerce is very lucky to have Terri on one of their committees that helps to organize events for the city and is part of a young professional committee. She even received an award at the annual dinner recognizing her as an outstanding committee member. Terri is also very passionate about volunteering. She has been a mentor for Big Brother Big Sisters and has been matched with her little for almost ten years. Our local civic theatre has also won Terri over and she loves to volunteer there.
One of the things I love about Terri is how kind she is. She has a big heart and is always willing to help her friends and family when needed. It is so obvious to everyone that she loves them all so much.
Some random facts about Terri are that she has a deep love for fall, books and coffee. She loves to read so much that she has dedicated a room in our home to become a library and already started a library for our future child. Her favorite bands include My Chemical Romance, Taylor Swift and Secondhand Serenade. Music is something we really enjoy together. Terri is a good cook and likes to try new recipes. My dad even mentioned that in his speech at our wedding!
Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Closed (no contact after placement)


Country: USA

State: Indiana

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Suburban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Dog

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual parents


Music is something we love! Between the two of us, there is always a variety of music playing in our home. We love to attend concerts of our favorite bands and have introduced each other to new types of music.
A love for history is something we both share! We love visiting museums, watching documentaries or attending events that involve history!
We love our home! Our home is the most cozy place to be in our opinion! It is a cute cottage style home and we love having nights in with pizza, snacks and movies. We also have the kindest neighbors, who we have built great friendships with!
We love our community and the friends we have here! Our community is ALWAYS having events! There is always something to do for all ages!
We love to travel and take trips together! Besides our yearly trip to Florida to see family, we love visiting new places! We have begun a magnet collection of all of the states we have traveled to!


Sue Mitchell (Mother to Justin)

I'm a retired nurse and anxiously waiting to be called grandma/nana/mimi or whatever they want to call me. Justin and Terri would make GREAT parents. They work well together and also in the community. I would be available to answer ALL their questions and concerns and of course babysit. They are both hard workers and they only thing missing is a child to LOVE and call their own.

Sue Mitchell Endorsed Caring, fun-loving, book lovers, passionate about interests and hobbies, Hard working, Caring, fun-loving, book lovers, passionate about interests and hobbies, Hard working

Favorite Image


Our Promise

First and foremost, we promise to love this baby unconditionally. We promise to teach them to be kind and caring of others and to teach them to always be their most authentic self. And we will love them for who they are and who they grow up to be, no matter what! We promise to always be there when they need us and be their biggest supporters. We promise to always provide for them to the best of our ability and make sure they always have what they need. This baby will know they are so loved and have been loved from the very beginning.

Meet Maggie Moo

Let us introduce you to Miss Maggie Moo! Maggie is our three-year-old beaglier. She is 75% cavalier king Charles and 25% beagle. She loves walks, treats, ice and snuggles. We rescued her when she was four months old from an organization in Ohio. Every year we meet up with her siblings, mom and their owners for a playdate and puppy frozen yogurt. Maggie is a very kind dog who loves scratches and play time.

Our Family and Friends

Our family and friends mean the absolute world to us! They have been there for us through so much. We live in a community that allows us to have many friends. It is rare that when we are out and about that we don’t run into someone we know. Each of us also has best friends that we have had since childhood. We know that we have people we can trust and rely on. Justin’s family consists of his parents, himself, and his sister. His parents live just a short ten-minute drive away, while his sister and her husband live in a bigger city about an hour and a half away. His mother is a retired nurse, and his dad is also retired. They are both extremely kind. Justin gets his sense of humor from his mom, no doubt. His dad loves to cook and always makes sure everything is taken care of properly. Both of his parents have always given us great advice. Justin’s sister is an assistant athletic trainer for a university. His sister has always been great at sports and at school. Justin’s mom has three siblings while his dad has one. He has ten first cousins and most of his family is local. Terri’s family consists of her dad, mom and two brothers. Her dad is a retired home remodeler. He still will come over occasionally to help with home projects. He loves history and geology. This is where Terri gets her love of rocks and fossils. Terri’s mom has the biggest heart. She would do anything to help anyone who needs it. She is also the first person out on the dance floor. Both of Terri’s brothers, along with her dad, can build just about anything. Terri considers both of her brothers some of her best friends. Terri’s mom has four siblings while her dad has seven. She has twenty-two first cousins and most of her family live in the same area.

Our Home

To say that we love our home is an understatement. When we were house hunting years ago, we were notified by our realtor that a house had become available and hadn’t even been put on the market yet. As soon as we pulled into the driveway, we knew it was for us. Our home looked like a cozy little cottage, covered in snow. The outside looks small, but in truth the home has three large bedrooms, two full baths, a full basement and even a sunroom. While walking through the house we realized we knew the previous owners. We rushed back to our real estate office to put in our offer and emailed the owners. The house would be a perfect place to one day raise our family in. We are really blessed with not only our home, but our neighbors as well! They are all so kind. There have been several instances when our neighbors have volunteered to help us with projects, and we have done the same for them. Our next-door neighbors own a beautiful and larger piece of land behind our property, and they allow us to walk Maggie back there and have said they can’t wait for us to have children so that they can play and enjoy mother nature. We can not wait for that day!

Our Traditions

We absolutely love our traditions, and we have quite a few. Usually in the summer, we take a yearly trip to see my (Terri) brother in Florida. There we spend time with him, our sister-in-law and two nephews and two nieces. Every 4th of July we go to my other brother’s home, and he puts on an amazing firework show just for us and our family. We also enjoy visiting the same fairs and festivals throughout the summer. Our town has a lot of festivals. In the fall we decorate our home and love to visit a pumpkin patch. Every Halloween we go to Justin’s parents to hand candy out to the kiddos. Every Thanksgiving we have lunch at Justin’s parents’ and dinner at my grandma’s. Holidays at my grandma’s are always fun because I have a very large family. My grandparents had five children and then fifteen grandchildren. Now the grandchildren have significant others and children. This leads me to Christmas. Every year since we began dating, we have driven through a park that displays Christmas lights. We even pack up Maggie Moo and take her with us. She loves the lights! On Christmas Eve we go to my aunt’s home on my dad’s side and spend it with the family. My aunt makes some of the best cookies and fudge every Christmas. On Christmas day we open gifts at home in the morning before heading to Justin’s parents. There we have lunch and open gifts. Then it’s off to my grandma’s for dinner and gifts. The funny thing about Christmas at Justin’s parents and my grandma’s is how completely different they are. Justin’s parents it’s just us, his parents, his sister and her husband. We sit down for lunch together and we each take turns opening our gifts while everyone else watches. The complete opposite happens at my grandma’s. All the aunts, uncles and cousins are there with their families. We can’t fit in one room at the same time. My three uncles pass out the gifts and sometimes they must be tossed in the air and passed back to the next room. It sounds chaotic but it is something that is so special to our family. Though we have many traditions already, we are so excited to start new traditions with our future children.

Our Lifestyle

Our lifestyle is full of variety. We can be on the move, but we also enjoy our quiet time as well. We live in a very active community. There are many events, fundraisers, festivals, and volunteering opportunities. We take part and attend a lot of these. Being a part of our community is very important to us because it’s our home and we believe if you pour into your community, it will pour back into you. We have found this to be true. Another thing we enjoy is live performances. Whether it be a concert, play or comedian we are all for it! Recently, bands from when were in high school have begun touring again. It has been great to finally be able to see them perform in person. Our town has a local theatre that Terri volunteers for. She has not been in a show but has been a production assistant, assistant director and will director her first show soon, working with kids. We also enjoy a quiet evening at home. We love to have classic movie nights with pizza and popcorn. Our home is a place that we like to be. The neighborhood is quiet, and we have such kind neighbors all around us. Occasionally we will just sit outside and chat with them. It is very peaceful.

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