Stacie & Charlie

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)


Family Time
Family Time

Charlie's entire family lives an hour away from us it is a bit easier to see them. They have a big ranch with lots of land, cows and adventures on Kabotas! They also have a tree house on their property that our nephew is fond of and a zipline! We have gone fishing and had picnics with Charlie's parents on their ranch. Stacie's parents, sister, brother and two nephews live in the pacific northwest so we don't get to see them as often but when we do that time usually involves picnics, good food, games with the nephews and whenever they come to visit us we take them to see all the sights in the area that they don't normally get to see. We love going to museums, learning about history and sporting events on both sides of the family. The grandparents love seeing their grandkids and love the grand kids and grand pets equally! They are all excited to welcome a new addition to the families.

Our Pets
Our Pets

Kenzy, our cat, is a little over a year old and our dog Kaiden is 9. Kenzy loves to play fetch and Kaiden loves to play keep away. Kenzy is leash trained although she is not the best on the leash, but it is fun to take her outside for walks with Kaiden. Oddly enough they get along really well! They often wrestle with each other daily and they also snuggle up together and sleep together. They are both so sweet and love people and kids. Kaiden is so patient with little kids and she's always happy to see them. We know they will be great big sisters!!

Meet Charlie
Meet Charlie

Stacie describes Charlie as caring, emotional, and sensitive. I never feel alone with him. Charlie is also loyal, patient and cares about his family very much! He is very accepting of everyone in my life and has gone out of his way to get to know my friends and family. - Meet my husband Charlie!! Hello and it's so nice to meet you. A little about me, I grew up in a very small town in Texas and i am a die-hard Texas A&M Aggie fan. In my spare time, I try my best to stay active with items such as exercise, golf, billiards, and friends, this is of course when Stacie does not have my time reserved. I work in the Insurance Industry, but I am glad that I do not have to sell insurance, only service clients after policies expire. I work a flexible schedule which both myself and Stacie are so thankful for as this is very conducive to our lifestyles. I have also worked a significant amount of time in the construction industry. I try to see the best in people and always try to be understanding and enjoy life. I am slow to anger and very patient and understanding. I enjoy the life that we have build and we are looking forward to starting our family.

Meet Stacie
Meet Stacie

Charlie describes Stacie as having a good heart, caring and strong willed. She knows what she wants! He loves the way she shows up for him and Kenzy and Kaiden every day! - Meet my wife Stacie! Hi nice to meet you again. Almost everyone in my life describes me as calm, patient and focused. I attribute a large part of that to the practice of yoga almost daily. Through yoga I have found my ability to shut out everything around me for that 1 hour a day to practice so that when I am done, I feel like I can give my full attention to the day ahead and the people in it. Yoga has taught me a lot about myself and my inner strength. I am originally from Idaho and have lived in California, Arizona and now Texas. I love to travel every chance I can. For work, I am in a professional services industry and in my role I serve nonprofit organizations as clients. I did not grow up knowing what nonprofits were about other than the church my family went to, but I learned so much about them when they became clients. I have been working with nonprofit organizations since my early 20's and have become deeply connected with the mission focus. In addition to several organizations, we give to financially, we often volunteer our time to several. A couple of names you might recognize are food banks and Easter Seals. At our wedding we also requested that guests not bring gifts, instead they donate to a charity we support. I have also done mission trips and Charlie and I both would love to do all of these things with our future children as well. I love the peaceful things in life like watching the sun rise iin the morning, a lazy Saturday morning coffee or a walk with Kaiden. Those are the moments when time stands still for me. I am grateful for time spent with Charlie, family and friends and our dog and cat. Honesty, transparency, faith and communication are important to me. I remember my mom instilling a lot of trust in me when I was younger as I earned it and that taught me a lot as an adult about not only my actions but how to build healthy relationships with others and we will teach our children the same principles.

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