Reality: People who conceive easily have a notion that when a couple cannot conceive, they should just adopt. Just adopting doesn't exist. First of all, if you cannot conceive, you can still have children. I am proof. I cannot conceive. I have a child.
Second, mourning biological children is essential in overcoming and living with infertility. People I encounter seem to assume you love your adopted child just like your own. In reality, my child who was adopted is my own. I fought very hard to create a life that my children will thrive in. Part of that is understanding that I didn't just adopt them. I prayed, wished, and bargained with God to allow me to be their mother. I watched another woman break herself apart to allow me this privilege and to give her child a life she could not. There is no simplicity in that.
Building your family through adoption means looking at life and deciding what is important to you. Completing a home study isn't easy. Deciding what situations you can parent is exhausting. Accepting that your family will look different is a challenge. My husband, Chris, and I have had to remove people from our lives because they see our family differently than bio families. Together, we have stretched, grown and continue to do so because adoption is a part of us. It is a part of our identity now. We didn't just adopt.