“Jockey,” a brand of underwear, is presently running commercials that show real-life people sharing their stories. In my personal favorite, adoptive dad Michael Cottone shares his story of the struggles and frustration he and his wife endured through infertility. He tells his story about how he and his wife opted for adoption. He marvels at the fact that just a few weeks ago it was just him and his wife, but now they are parents to a son.
In the commercial, Michael also says that their son’s birth mother is the strongest person he has ever known, adding that to be chosen by her to raise her/their son is the biggest privilege they will ever know. He relates the importance of always trying to stay positive and trying to recognize and enjoy the awesome moments that are experienced each day.
This commercial is a wonderful depiction of love and adoption. The video of Michael holding his son and lifting him up in the air is priceless. He spoke from the heart and I hope this commercial reaches and touches many people.
I love that “Jockey” is running commercials with this positive connection. It is so important to spread positive, accurate adoption stories in our media. Too often the media and our culture focuses on the negative outcomes of adoption; it becomes easy to form a warped or one-sided view. This commercial was very good because it included all those involved in the adoption process: the adoptive parents, the birth mother, and the adoptive child.