
Difference between revisions of "Category:European"

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[[George Hamilton Gordon Aberdeen]]
[[Roman Abramovich]]
[[Mark Acre]]
[[Je Kan Adler-Collins]]
[[Eden Ahbez]]
[[Edward Franklin Albee]]
[[Frances Jeanne Alda]]
[[Alexander the Great]]
[[Alexander VI]]
[[Jani Allan]]
[[Ben Andrews]]
[[Toby Anstis]]
[[Edith Margaret Emily Ashcroft]]
[[John Victor Aspinall]]
[[Joshua Astor]]
[[Kevyn Aucoin]]
[[John James Audubon]]
[[Jimmy Santiago Baca]]
[[Johann Sebastian Bach]]
[[Oksana Baiul]]
[[Lea Bálint]]
[[John Ballinger]]
[[Tallulah Bankhead]]
[[John Banks]]
[[Dee Seton Barber]]
[[Jillian Barberie]]
[[Freddie Bartholomew]]
[[John Bartram]]
[[Robert Thompson Batley (under Honorific Adoption)]]
[[Michael Bay]]
[[James Asheton Bayard, Sr.]]
[[Layne Beachley]]
[[Bede, the Venerable]]
[[David Berglas]]
[[Ingrid Bergman]]
[[Andy Berlin]]
[[James Best]]
[[A. John Bird]]
[[Carl Axel Björk]]
[[Tom Blackburn (see Deacon, Joseph John)]]
[[Buster Bloodvessel]]
[[Simón Bolívar]]
[[Daniel Boone (under Honorific Adoption)]]
[[Boson of Arles]]
[[Jim Bowen]]
[[William Bradford]]
[[John Green Brady]]
[[David Brainerd]]
[[Stan Brakhage]]
[[James Brickley]]
[[Alex Brimeyer]]
[[Harold Brodkey]]
[[Pierce Brosnan]]
[[Lester Raymond Brown]]
[[Matthew Brown]]
[[Rita Mae Brown]]
[[Andrew Horace Burke]]
[[Kathy Burke]]
[[Richard Burton]]
[[Darcey Andrea Bussell]]
[[John Crichton-Stuart Bute]]
[[Robert C. Byrd]]
[[James Caddell]]
[[Dean George Thomas Cain]]
[[John Callahan]]
[[Rhona Cameron]]
[[Truman Capote]]
[[Gian Giacomo Caprotti]]
[[Abraham Cardozo]]
[[Carl Louis John]]
[[Kitty Carruthers]]
[[Peter Carruthers]]
[[Rosemary Casals]]
[[Roger David Casement]]
[[Camilo Castelo Branco]]
[[Catherine I]]
[[Morris Cerullo]]
[[Sébastien-Roch Chamfort]]
[[Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel]]
[[Charles Spencer Chaplin]]
[[Sydney Chaplin]]
[[Philip Stanhope Chesterfield]]
[[Child Migrants]]
[[Childebert II]]
[[Childebert III Adoptivus]]
[[Colin Chisholm]]
[[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints]]
[[Charlotte Church]]
[[John Church]]
[[Eric Clapton]]
[[Curt Clausen]]
[[President William Clinton]]
[[Jacqueline Cochran]]
[[Leopold Cohn]]
[[Cadwallader Colden]]
[[George Cole]]
[[Lynnette Cole]]
[[Joely Collins]]
[[Henry Steele Commager]]
[[Brian Connolly]]
[[Joseph Conrad]]
[[Catherine Anne Cookson]]
[[Herbert Cole Coombs (under Honorific Adoption)]]
[[Bernard Cornwell]]
[[Patricia Cornwell]]
[[Christina Crawford]]
[[Eric Robertson Cullen]]
[[George Washington Parke Custis]]
[[Jean le Rond d'Alembert]]
[[Edward Dahlberg]]
[[Faith Daniels]]
[[Alexandra Dyonysievna Danilova]]
[[Ted Danson]]
[[Dante Alighieri]]
[[Daniel John Davies]]
[[William Henry Davies]]
[[Eugène-Rose de Beauharnais]]
[[Hortense de Beauharnais]]
[[Giovanni Battista de Rossi]]
[[Joseph John Deacon]]
[[James Byron Dean]]
[[Édouard Dermit]]
[[David Dickinson]]
[[Anthony Douglas]]
[[Catherine Douglas]]
[[Carl-Theodor Dreyer]]
[[Peter Oelrichs Duchin]]
[[Peter Eaton]]
[[Edward VI]]
[[Lawrence J. Ellison (Larry)]]
[[Clarissa Pinkola Estés]]
[[Eumenes I]]
[[Barry Evans]]
[[David Glasgow Farragut]]
[[Shirley Ann Field]]
[[Peter Finch]]
[[Finn Mac Cumhal]]
[[Florence Anna Fisher]]
[[Gerald R. Ford]]
[[Percy Leo Fowler]]
[[Ruth May Fox]]
[[Adelaide Foyster]]
[[Benjamin Francis]]
[[Peter Francisco]]
[[Peter Francisco]]
[[Eva Frank]]
[[Mike J. Frankovich]]
[[Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen]]
[[Olive Fremstad]]
[[Marti Friedlander]]
[[Victoria Fyodorova]]
[[William Lloyd Garrison]]
[[Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell]]
[[Piers Gaveston]]
[[John Gay]]
[[Adeline Genée]]
[[Jean Genet]]
[[German Democratic Republic]]
[[Gertrude the Great]]
[[Melissa Ellen Gilbert]]
[[Madge Gill]]
[[Newton Leroy Gingrich]]
[[Tom Glazer]]
[[Sidney Glazier]]
[[Sam Goldwyn]]
[[Eddie Graham]]
[[Kenneth Grahame]]
[[Julia Grant]]
[[Larry Grayson]]
[[Tim Green]]
[[Grey Owl]]
[[Calvin Griffith]]
[[Gülnüs Ummetüllah]]
[[Michael Haas]]
[[Matthew Hale]]
[[Alexander Hamilton]]
[[Scott Scovell Hamilton]]
[[John Hancock]]
[[Deborah Harry]]
[[Heiric of Auxerre]]
[[Helena (under Nazi Germany)]]
[[Hildegard of Bingen]]
[[David Hill]]
[[Faith Hill]]
[[Daisy & Violet Hilton]]
[[Damien Hirst]]
[[Adolf Hitler]]
[[Eric Hobsbawm]]
[[Gary Holt]]
[[Herbert Clark Hoover]]
[[Antony Hopkins]]
[[Harry Houdini]]
[[Samuel Houston]]
[[Hugh of Cluny]]
[[Joseph Peter Hyde]]
[[Orson Hyde]]
[[Isidore of Seville]]
[[Ivan VI]]
[[Andrew Jackson]]
[[Thomas Jackson (Stonewall)]]
[[Jakko M. Jakszyk]]
[[Wendy James]]
[[Derek Jameson]]
[[Robert Thomas Jenkins]]
[[Jesus Christ]]
[[Steve Jobs]]
[[David Ivon Jones]]
[[Stewart Whyte McEwan Jones]]
[[Joseph the Carpenter]]
[[Juliana of Liège]]
[[Karl XIV Johan]]
[[Edmund Kean]]
[[John Keats]]
[[Johannes Kepler]]
[[Cynthia Kereluk]]
[[J. Rudyard Kipling]]
[[Hans-Joachim Klein]]
[[Edward Austen Knight]]
[[Konrad Kujau]]
[[Lawrence Kutner]]
[[Barbara La Marr]]
[[Florence LaBadie]]
[[Matthew Laborteaux]]
[[Patrick Laborteaux]]
[[Frank Langstone]]
[[Jane Lapotaire]]
[[Robert Laurent]]
[[Frances Lear]]
[[John Doyle Lee]]
[[Henry Lehmann]]
[[David Leitch]]
[[Leslie Lemke]]
[[John Winston Lennon]]
[[Hugh Leonard]]
[[Anna Leonowens]]
[[Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis]]
[[Alice Pleasance Liddell]]
[[Art Linkletter]]
[[Ray Liotta]]
[[Liesbeth List]]
[[Ellis Lloyd]]
[[Charlotte Anne Lopez]]
[[Scott Lowell]]
[[Mabon Mab Modron]]
[[Roger Lea MacBride]]
[[Anna Magnani]]
[[Lee Majors]]
[[Andrea Mantegna]]
[[William Mariner]]
[[Harry Edmund Martinson]]
[[Mary the Virgin]]
[[Edith Massey]]
[[Ivan Massow]]
[[William Somerset Maugham]]
[[James McArthur]]
[[Catherine McAuley]]
[[Mary Therese McCarthy]]
[[Thaddeus McCarthy]]
[[Heather McCartney]]
[[Desmond McDaid]]
[[Dylan McDermott]]
[[Richard B. McKenzie]]
[[Sarah McLachlan]]
[[Andy McNab]]
[[Steve McQueen]]
[[Mike McShane]]
[[Michael Hugh Medwin]]
[[Terry Melcher]]
[[Herman Melville]]
[[Francesco Melzi]]
[[Christopher Gustavus Memminger]]
[[Julius Meyer]]
[[James Albert Michener]]
[[Mici Plwm]]
[[Phillip Middlemiss]]
[[Stan Mikita]]
[[Robert Scourfield Mills]]
[[Thomas Monaghan]]
[[Marilyn Monroe]]
[[William Smith Monroe]]
[[Lucy Maud Montgomery]]
[[Brian Moore]]
[[Eric Douglas Morley]]
[[Neil Morrissey]]
[[Edgardo Mortara]]
[[Samantha Morton]]
[[Kaj Munk]]
[[Andrew Buist Murray]]
[[Paul Myners]]
[[James Naismith]]
[[Bif Naked]]
[[Nazi Germany]]
[[Willie Nelson]]
[[John Nettles]]
[[Robert Newman]]
[[Jack Nicholson]]
[[Norwegian Ruling Families]]
[[James F. O'Connell]]
[[Hugh O'Connor]]
[[Robert Vincent O'Neil, Jr.]]
[[Orphan Trains of the USA]]
[[James Alvin Palmer]]
[[Giovanni Pàscoli]]
[[Irene Paulger]]
[[David J. Pelzer]]
[[Caroline Perrott]]
[[Peter III]]
[[Elizabeth Clark Phair]]
[[Philip V]]
[[Dana Michelle Plato]]
[[Edgar Allan Poe]]
[[Sarah Ponsonby]]
[[Peter John Powell]]
[[Priscilla Ann Presley]]
[[Yevgeny Maximovitch Primakov]]
[[Robert John Pryse]]
[[Katherine DeMille Quinn]]
[[Pierre-Esprit Radisson]]
[[Henry Raeburn]]
[[Michael E. Reagan]]
[[Nancy Davis Reagan]]
[[Ebenezer Rees]]
[[George Reynolds]]
[[Harold Robbins]]
[[Ernie Roberts (see Deacon, Joseph John)]]
[[Helen Rollason]]
[[Romulus and Remus]]
[[Eleanor Roosevelt]]
[[Jean-Jacques Rousseau]]
[[Martin Rowson]]
[[George Herman Ruth ("Babe")]]
[[Sarah Ruth Saffian]]
[[Sargon I]]
[[Leo Paul Schramm]]
[[Frithjof Schuon (under Honorific Adoption)]]
[[Friedrich Schünemann-Pott]]
[[Julia Scully]]
[[Category: Adoptive Parents]]
[[Category: Adopted Persons]]
[[Category: Adopted Persons]]

Latest revision as of 20:41, 25 June 2014

Pages in category "European"

The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 414 total.

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