If you have recently found out you are pregnant, things can quickly get overwhelming. Here are four basic things every woman experiencing a crisis pregnancy needs.

A friend.

Someone who can both listen and help you sort out your decisions. Every woman who is experiencing a crisis pregnancy deserves a non-judgmental sounding board, someone who can be relied on to share in your joy and your sadness. If you don’t have this person in your life, consider joining an online forum for expectant parents or those considering adoption.

A plan.

While it may seem scary and overwhelming to think about the future, the sooner you start to formulate a plan, the less stressful your life will become. You have so many options—and you will find the one that is best for you and your baby. Take it to step by step—if the only thing that is keeping you from parenting is financial concerns, look into government help. If you are certain that you will place her for adoption, start investigating your local agencies to find one that feels like the right fit. Knowledge truly is power, and you deserve to feel powerful as you navigate this journey.

Medical Care.

Pretending the pregnancy doesn’t exist helps no one. You need to get seen regularly to make sure both you and the baby are not at risk for complications like diabetes, and that baby is growing just fine. If you don’t have health care, try a local clinic run by a church for resources and help on getting signed up for assistance.



Whether you choose parenting or adoption, you need to be clean and sober to make the right decisions for your future. Baby deserves this too—even one drink while pregnant can contribute to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. If you need help, talk to your doctor about cessation programs in your community. You can do this.




Are you considering adoption and want to give your child the best life possible? Let us help you find an adoptive family that you love. Visit Adoption.org or call 1-800-ADOPT-98.