Reality show, Teen Mom OG stars, Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra, are preparing for a new season of the show. The couple placed their first child, Carly, for adoption and went on to have another daughter. Recently Ty shared photos of their two-year-old, Nova, meeting her older biological sister for the first time. Take a look at some of those photos here.

While the couple knows that placing their firstborn for adoption was the right thing, they still have moments when it’s hard. “Adoption is complex. It’s been four years since I stared at a picture of Carly and just sobbed. It happens randomly…randomly just happened to be this morning,” shared Tyler.

While fans would like to see little Carly on the show and her interaction with her adoptive parents and birth parents, Catelynn says it won’t be happening anytime soon. And although Catelynn would like it to happen to raise awareness about adoption, she understands Carly’s family choosing to opt out. The family never expected that adopting Catelynn’s child would mean a television show, and they just want to move on with their normal lives for Carly’s sake.  The full story may be read here.