
July 26, 2024
If my parents reverse my adoption, can they make me change my last name back to my original, or can I keep it as their last name?

September 20, 2023
Am Cynthia 24 of Age willingly to be adopted by Family outside Nigeria here's my email address : Please šŸ™

December 8, 2022
My name is Vince, Iā€™m 21 from Nigeria I need a mother/father figure to adopt me even if it doesnā€™t lead to adoption just a family I can bond with You can reach me with the email thanks. [img][/img]

October 25, 2022
I am Gabriel Burns. I am 34.I live at 6120 n hanlin ave Azusa california in the United States. I am Hawaiian american. I am searching for my identical twin sisters. I am a triplet. I was born on March 14 1988 in Panama City Panama. My identical sisters names could be Anita Cordoba Arosemena and Teresa Cordoba Arosemena. They are 5 foot 9 with black hair and brown eyes. They have a prominent nose and tan skin color. They were both born on March 14 1988 at the Santo Thomas hospital in Panama. They could have lived in Azusa,glendora California 91740 or Covina California as children. I currently live in Azusa CA. 91702. My email address is My sister's address in Panama Could have been altos 11-34 avenida B San Felipe casco Viejo Panama City Panama. You can call me or text me at 661-936-5206. You can email me at

Adoptions From The Heart
July 25, 2022
They say that thereā€™s no handbook when it comes to parenting. While this is true, Adoptions From The Heart aims to provide prospective parents with as many informative parenting opportunities as possible. To ensure prospective families are making informed decisions when it comes to generating their profiles. One of the ways we do so is by offering educational courses to deepen the understanding of the adoption process. Adoptions From The Heart does its best to ensure all members of the triad have the necessary tools needed for success. This fall, weā€™ve designed multiple education series for Adoptive Parents with hopes of providing a better understanding of open adoption. Education Courses available to continue your Adoption Education Our first panel, Open Adoption Conversations with Adoptive and Birth Parents, takes place Tuesday, September 27th, from 7:00-8:30 pm. During our Open Adoption Conversations with Adoptive and Birth Parents, we will have 2-3 adoptive families and the birth parents of the families come to talk about their personal experiences with open adoption through Adoptions From The Heart. If you have any questions about the adoption process, placement, planning, or anything relating, this event is for you. To register, be sure to contact by September 20th. Our second available education course, Adoptive Parents Self-Care Tips: Mental Health & Wellness, takes place Monday, October 3rd, from 7:30-8:30 pm. The goal of this course will be to take a deeper look into Mental Health and Wellness practices during the adoption journey and in the post-adoption season as new parents. AFTH knows that this isnā€™t always easy to do; it can be mentally draining for both prospective parents and adoptive parents, so itā€™s essential to take a step back to focus on oneā€™s mental health and wellness. We will address areas of challenge and discuss strategies for self-care. Whether you are waiting to adopt or already home as a placed family, you can learn practical tools for self-care and wellness in this meeting. To register, be sure to contact by September 26th. The day after, on Tuesday, October 4th, from 6:30-7:30 pm, Adoptions From The Heart is hosting the third ed series of the month, Adopting a Child with Disabilities. During this discussion, we will be joined by families open to speaking about their experience parenting a child with disabilities. Adoptions From The Heart has grown to understand and teach that by having conversations, we eliminate the fear of the unknown. To register, be sure to contact by September 27th. Our last panel, The Birth Parent Panel, will be a bit similar in the way that a panel of birth parents will discuss the reasons they chose adoption, how they picked their adoptive families, and their current relations with the child and their adoptive family. This panel is an excellent option for prospective parents and expecting parents alike who want to hear about what the realities are for birth parents post-placement. This course will take place on Tuesday, November 15th, from 7:00-8:30 pm. To register, be sure to contact by November 8th. Why are these Education Series so Important? AFTH wants every prospective adoptive parent to feel comfortable and confident in their parenting abilities, especially in open adoption. The education series AFTH provides families cover the basics, from infant and childcare to profiles and our own self sare. Education does not end with your placement. Sometimes even an ounce of reassurance, a little more information, a push forward after having been stuck not knowing what to do next, is all we need. More information and registration for all of these courses are available under the Calendar of Events tab on our website!

May 10, 2022
Hi, Iā€™m Priya.Iā€™m a 13 year old.My parents get often physical with me.theyā€™re very abusive.they admitted to not liking me. I just want to end all of this.Iā€™m mentally so done.i want to get adopted and start a new life.i donā€™t know how itā€™s done.

July 12, 2021
Hi Everyone, I am new to this. My brother and I both were adopted separately by the same wonderful parents. I found my biological parents when I was younger shortly after I turned 19 years old. However my brother who is older than me, just recently decided to find his biological parents. My brother was born in Stockton California in San Joaquin County. His birthday is December 21, 1970. All we know is that his biological mother and father were married at the time and kept him for a short time, then they decided to give him up for adoption. My brother and I do know that they were over 21 years of age when they gave him up for adoption. Of course, my brotherā€™s adoption was a closed adoption, as it was in 1970. The San Joaquin Department of Public Assistance in San Joaquin partook in the adoption through the San Joaquin Superior Court, through Judge John B. Cechini. My brother is nervous about taking a DNA test. I do realize that taking a DNA test may be his only option towards finding his biological parents. If anyone knows any information in regards to what else I can do to find his biological parents, please feel free to let me know. Thank you so much. My email is

Anna Horn
February 28, 2021
I was born in Swansea to a 16 year old single Jamaican girl. She tried her best to keep me but the system denied her any support or other options, so I was placed into care at three months of age. I was fostered and finally adopted by a very nice white middle class couple by the age of eighteen months, and settled into place as the youngest of three daughters, my elder sisters being their natural children . Located in South Wales Uk, swansea was a city where during the 1970's, the only black people that the local people had ever seen, were the blacked out faces of The Black and White Minstrel Show. If you're not from the UK, then you've probably never experienced the joy of Saturday evenings, when every family would be glued to the TV set, watching this craziness unfold before them... [[img][/img] That really summed up the level of cultural enlightenment during this era! My adopted parents loved me. They had spent some time in the Cameroons in East Africa, where my father had been stationed whilst he served as an officer in the Merchant Navy. Upon their return to Wales, they vowed to adopt a black child (My father was a Liberal haha). So after hanging their assortment of African memorabilia in prominent positions all over the house, and purchasing a handful of Calypso LPs (which my father would sing to me), they felt prepared to handle any obstacles that this adoption would throw their way over the following 18 years.... I am now 53, and I can honestly say that the primal wound of being separated from my birth mother, the resulting abondonment issues (that Donald Trump would be proud of), the relentless racist abuse during my childhood from my peers and total strangers, and the ongoing identity crisis have marred my entire adult life. It has been a work in progress, battling social anxiety, addiction and significant inner loneliness. My journey of self discovery has included being reunited with my birth mother (and being un-reunited), re-locating to London to find people that looked like me (I saw black people on the tube during a girl guides day trip to the Commonwealth Centre...), finding endless brothers and father was a busy man evidently, finally, feelings of self-acceptance and understanding have begun to creep in...finally. During my journey, I have read some marvellous books, found some life-changing resources...and even learned to cook some West Indian food which my children adore. I've been blessed with four children, the youngest being an added gift as I adopted him from a relative in my adopted family. So I've seen both sides of the coin! I hope that the articles and experiences that I post, and any recommendations that I make, help any adopted people (transracially or otherwise), that see themselves mirrored in my story. I have created two Facebook groups so we can create a little safe haven and community. I've found it so exciting over the years, when I've met another adoptee. So many shared experiences! Please feel free to comment on any posts, join the FB group and share your thoughts and story with the rest of us. We've Found Our Tribe! Anna

February 26, 2021
Alcohol and drug addiction can become a major issue in life due to childhood trauma concerning abandonment. I never medaled with drugs or alcohol until I read my dhhr adoption file when I was around 40 years old and I literally went into a spiral down fall from there. The pain was and still is unbearable to the point I don't want to feel anymore.

Colleen Black
November 5, 2020
Some of you may already know that we are adopting our first child here in Zambia. I have had so many people asking questions about the process, and time just seems to be whizzing by (most days!) as things are moving rather quickly in these initial stages. I decided to share where we are at, for our own memories sake, to keep friends and family updated, but also to encourage anyone out there who is on a similar journey. I am a reader, and so I have loved reading of other peoples experiences, and seeing what God is doing in peoples lives through adoption. We started our adoption process in April 2020, as in, we made the decision to find out what our options were. We had hit a few bumps along the road on having biological children, and whilst we have a solution, and we can have biological kids, I just felt God pointing us to adoption. It is so important to me that people understand that adoption is not a plan B, it is not second best, it is not a last resort. It is our first choice. [img][/img] We got in touch with the social workers at House of Moses mid April, as they were the orphanage in Lusaka that friends of ours used. Zambia is different in that they do not use agencies here, you work directly with government social workers and orphanages. They confirmed that as expats we could adopt, which was a huge relief! We were given a list of documents we needed to get together along with a letter to addressed to social welfare explaining why we want to adopt and our request (age, gender, health). Please remember, this is our experience of adoption in Zambia, and every case might not look the same and the systems may change. Documents we needed to submit: NRC Bank statement/payslip Reference letters Police clearance Marriage certificate Medical report (only at government hospital) Early May, we then had our interview (also referred to as a home study/home assessment), with our social worker at House of Moses. Because we live outside of Lusaka, they did this on Zoom. It was about two hours long, very intensive! Which was really encouraging at how thorough they are. It was such a comfort to me that they are Christian, and were also so sensitive towards us as we had to share some difficult information from our pasts. It is not often you find yourself telling someone your entire history from birth! We still had to get our police clearance and medical report done, this was delayed purely from our own schedules as well as Covid. But we eventually got it done and we could then have our next visit. On the 10th June our social worker, Elizabeth Mzeche, here in Mazabuka came to our house to do the home visit and go through all our paperwork and application. We had a couple of changes to make and then our application was delivered to Lusaka on the 21st June. We had initially been told it could take anything between 2-4 weeks, but that there might be delays to Covid. Catch phrase of 2020! Naturally, as soon as we hit the end of 4 weeks I got in contact to see if there was any news, which there was none. Our social workers have been so kind and gracious towards me, with all my questions, and I am so grateful for Gods presence in all this. Then, completely out of the blue, on the 6th August, I received a message from Elizabeth asking if I had received my copy of the approval letter as she had just received hers. I could not believe it, so unexpected, but what was just miraculous, was the letter was dated 24th June, which means our application was processed and approved in less than 3 days?! That is a miracle, nothing happens that quickly, ever? So it was either waiting to be printed, to be taken to a different desk, to be taken to be signed, and then sent out for delivery, and or floated about somewhere in the postal system. Who knows where the delay was, but quite frankly, I am so thankful to God for the miracle! Our name has been added to the list of families wanting to adopt, and now, we wait to be matched to a baby. Our request was a boy or girl, under 12 months of age, as young as possible! They work with the Child Protection Unit to do family tracing on the child, then once that is done, a police clearance report is written to clear the child for adoption. So that will all take time. Hopefully, in the not to distant future, we will get the call to say we can go meet our child! We then have to spend some time with the child at the orphanage to go through a bonding/attachment period. Once that is done, then we get to take our baby home on a 3 month fostering agreement. Once that is done, then we do the adoption paperwork. It is all quite a process! I had a bit of a wobble around the time of our application being submitted, there were just so many unknowns and not knowing if I would be holding a baby in 2 months or 12 months or more was freaking me out. But I realised that I could ruin this season by allowing myself to be consumed with mistrust, impatience, doubt, fear, ingratitude, and even what was probably pride and selfishness. I didnā€™t want to look back on this season of my life and see how I had missed the happiness because I was being so self focussed. So I gave it all to God, and He provided me with such a peace and patience which I am so grateful for. This is a journey, and there have been and will be tough days, but I am keeping my eyes fixed on Jesus in this. Also, I am enjoying our time without kids. I am in a season now where I am looking forward to a bit of chaos in our lives, and even the sleepless nights and endless nappies. I know that it wonā€™t be long before I will find myself wondering what it is like to have time all to ourselves and what on earth were we thinking having kids. But, I also know, having seen it in so many women, that there will will come a time, as our baby grows up, that I will miss the season of chaos. Every season has itā€™s mix of chaos and bliss. So we are enjoying our time, where we are at now, and I am reading and doing the odd bit of shopping ā€¦ We would love you to pray with us on this journey. For our hearts, for our marriage, for our baby, for the birth parents, for their salvation and healing, for our social workers. The proverb, ā€œIt takes a village to raise a childā€ could not be more true. [img][/img] If you have questions about adoption, please do ask me, or someone, or Google. Adoption has never been a foreign concept to us, but I appreciate that for many people this is not the case, and there are questions. But donā€™t leave those questions unasked, not just for your sake, but for everyoneā€™s. x A common, often unasked, question: ā€œHow will you love a child that is not your ā€˜ownā€™?ā€ They are my own, they just didnā€™t come from my body. I will love them the same way I love my husband, who is also not a blood relative. By choosing to, every day, for the rest of our lives.

August 13, 2020
Hello Looking for some input on out of state adoption. We live in a small state, so we were looking to go elsewhere as well. Was it difficult? How were visits managed? How long did it take? Paperwork? Etc. thanks for your help!

August 7, 2020
In this blog I will be promoting different resources, groups, studies, and advice for those effected by post adoption or post birth maternal separation disorder. No matter if your symptoms be an inability to connect to babies or physical PTSD you get for a reason you don't remember, this is a blog that may help you and those around you.

August 7, 2020
Iā€™m feeling even more defeated lately than I normally do. I was adopted in family at birth and was raised as my family secret. I had started questioning things at an early age, but was lied to from the start. The differences I noticed and the connections I wasnā€™t able to form seemed to be blamed on me for not being up to par with my adoptive siblings. At 16, my depression forced my adoptive parents hand and they admitted that I am in fact adopted and that my birth mother was someone I was familiar with ā€” my aunt. This was at first welcome news because I knew her, I knew my older siblings. I could see myself. The problem started creeping in once it started to sink in. I knew her. She had older kids. She raised them. She relinquished me. Naturally, I was consumed with questions and the realization that I had been lied to for years. After some time in therapy, I decided to reach out to her. My birth mom started telling conflicting stories and wouldnā€™t outright say that she did give birth to me. Just recently, Iā€™m 26 now, I was informed that she had been attending my adopted siblings events and taking them to lunch randomly. Sheā€™s also starting to take on more of a ā€œmomā€ role with her grandkids and seemingly flaunting their closeness in my face. Iā€™ve tried many times to get straight answers from her, but she seems to want to change details as she seems necessary. Then in person, when she is around me she wants to be around me as if Iā€™m not aware that sheā€™s lying. Iā€™m not really sure how to proceed with this anymore or if I should keep trying at all. Itā€™s caused more than enough damage in my life, but Iā€™m not sure how to tell my adoptive dad that I cannot be around her. It makes him choose between his baby sister and his daughter. I feel like Iā€™m losing myself all over again trying to figure out why she didnā€™t want me, how she continues to deliberately reject me, why she seeks out relationships with everyone around me. I havenā€™t pushed her for anything other than the truth. I also understand that she may not want a relationship with me. What I donā€™t understand is her asking questions about me to everyone around me instead of having a real conversation with me.

March 1, 2020
Hello everyone, Iā€™ve recently underwent a hysterectomy for endometrial cancer and have come to terms with the fact that Iā€™ll never be able to have my own children. While I am still undecided about whether adoption is right for me, I feel I could help those parents in the process of international adoptions. I work as a flight attendant which means I have flight benefits which essentially means I can ā€œfly for free.ā€ With that being said I know adoption, especially internationally can be very costly. I know many countries require you to personally pick up your child and these flight costs can be very high. If itā€™s possible I would like to serve as a surrogate of sorts, in the role of picking up these babies and bringing them home to their new families. Does anyone know if this is a service I could legally offer or how to go about doing so?

February 14, 2020
I just wanted to share my story and hopefully it helps someone going through this scary similar process. I share a child with this man named (letā€™s call him) Gary. I got pregnant when I was very young and from the moment I had my child (letā€™s call him) Josh , I knew being a mother was the most important thing to me in the world. Gary and I fought constantly and sometimes unfortunately it would turn physical. You see itā€™s hard for me to say Gary actually ever cared about being a father, because to me it was more of a means to control me. I wonā€™t bore you with our complicated past.. anyways after fighting in court and having his family hire an expensive attorney against me we had to come up with a parenting plan. Gary was to see Josh two days a week at his parents house and pay the lowest amount of child support possible. Gary also had to summit clean urine samples when the court asked because of his drug court orders. (Oh yes, he also has a drug and alcohol issue) . Anyways, Gary stopped coming to visits. Never paid one dime of his court ordered child support and moved to an other state without even notifying me. It has been over 6 years since Gary has had any communication with Josh. I happily got married a few years ago to a wonderful man who loves Josh as his own. So after hearing Gary had yet an other fail with his rehab I decided it was time to take action. I was terrified but knew it was the best thing to do for Josh. I hired an attorney and I suggested if you are going this rout you hire an experienced attorney with step parent adoption and TPRs. Also be prepared because it does get expensive, but completely worth it in the end. I knew Gary was not going to consent the adoption because he is a person that needs to be in control. He is all fine for someone else to raise his child and take care of him physically/emotionally/ and financially.. but in no way does that give them the write to be called his father (the world he lives in is a Delusional one). So we started the process back in February. It took a few weeks to find him because he did move to an other state but once he was served half the battle was already over with. Once he was served a hearing was scheduled. He had a little over 3 months to figure out how to come back to our state and hire an attorney of his own. In my case I was lucky... he put more effort to request to appear by phone than anything else. He never hired an attorney because people like Gary like to think that they are a lot smarter than what they really are. So hearing was in the beginning of April. My attorney was ready. The judge placed the phone call and thatā€™s when the nerves over took me. It starts off by the judge swearing both parties in. Since Gary was representing himself he got to talk a lot more than I did. I was restricted to yes and no responses only and to be honest it drove me nuts. Gary went above and beyond. He blamed me for his drug and alcohol problems . He blamed me on why he moved (even though I hadnā€™t spoken to him years prior) He blamed me on why he never kept up with Josh. He even went as far to state he had given my child support checks, I would just never cash them, and if I did I would bunch them together and cash them all at once to make his account over draft. ( that made me sick to my stomach) I was being verbally attacked.. and every time my lawyer would try to interject.. she was over ruled. At that moment I was accepting defeat. I looked at my husband with tears filling up my eyes and at this point I had to try my hardest to toon out all the lies that were being said about me. I began to look at my attorney with eyes yelling at her saying DO SOMETHING!!!! Then the court room for quit. The judge looked our way and asked my attorney why this adoption was in the best interest for Josh. My attorney responded with state law facts on child abandonment in our state. She then focused on Joshā€™s relationship with my husband. How my husband has done all the work... so why canā€™t he receive the credit and honor of being his father. The judge asked Gary why Josh shouldnā€™t be adopted. This is where Gary shot himself in the foot. He began rambling on about how he takes full responsibility for not being there for Josh, but that at the end of the day it was my doing. He kept saying over and over again how he would do anything in the world for Josh and would even move back to the states and take Josh to see a child Psychologist to wein Gary into Joshā€™s life. At the point the judge then calmly asked him.... then why are you not here now? At that moment I felt like I could breathe again. For someone who had almost half a year to present evidence and make arrangements to attend an very important hearing .. he spent more time bad mouthing me and filing motions to appear by phone. When the judge overruled my lawyer he wasnā€™t doing to because he felt Gary was on to something, he did it because he was absorbing all the BS. He saw right through it. This is the very 1st time that this particular judge waved a biological fathers consent for stepparent adoption. I was in complete shock. The judge even went as far to thank my husband for everything he has done and he feels that Josh is better off having him as a father. At the end of the day we met all the requirements for child abandonment. Despite Gary saying he was ready now to be a dad.. he was 6 years too late. Hope this story helps someone in a similar situation. And remember at the end of the day all these judges care about is whatā€™s best for the child. Iā€™m not saying that only because we won. Watching my judge actually Absorbing every single word that was said and giving us a change to explain why both parties feel their position is best for the child meant everything. Itā€™s hard to listen to the terrible things the other parent will say about you.. but remember none of that matters and the more reserve you are, the better for you and your child. Best of luck.

December 2, 2019
Does anyone know/has anyone heard of an independent adoption family getting adoption assistance? Our boys are special needs. The court system has been involved but they have never been in foster care. Adoption assistance would be helpful but more so for them to keep Medicaid. Thanks!