Foster Care Michigan

There are plenty of children in orphanages and foster homes alike that are waiting for the day they can find their forever families.

Matthew Eduard Biondi February 13, 2019
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February is typically the one month that specifically holds a special place in the hearts of many for its emphasis on love and support. Stereotypical romance movies are playing as the chocolate industry reels in the most income it has all year. The words “I love you” are said maybe a little too often, but with the greatest intent. However, that love that is so prevalent during February isn’t so equally distributed. There are plenty of children who have so much love to give, but no one to give it to. They long so desperately to receive the love that they hear about and eagerly await the day when that dream becomes a reality. Their several children, both younger and older, just waiting to be adopted to revel in that infectious February love.

There are plenty of children in orphanages and foster homes alike that are waiting for the day they can find their forever families. This is not limited to one specific area, either. It translates from state to state, sea to sea. Although this article will focus primarily on one specific area within the U.S., the information throughout can be applied to multiple areas concerning the same experiences. While February may be the month of love, it is also the middle of winter for the United States. There are children not only braving the uncertainty of not finding a family, but also the harsh climate conditions, especially in Michigan. As one of the colder states in the Midwest, Michigan can be brutal enough with the weather. Now, take into account all the children in foster care that have to endure such conditions on top of already waiting to find a family they can love and be loved by. If you are interested in how foster care in Michigan works or live in Michigan and wish to look into foster care for your child, this article is for you.

The first and most important thing in either process is to understand where to begin. Both circumstances are daunting and may seem far too overwhelming to even know where to start the process., however, can act almost as your one-stop-shop for everything concerning foster care in Michigan. Say you are considering adoption, but want to see how it would be before entirely committing to it. That is when you can consider becoming a foster parent. It not only allows you to bond with a child but also allows that child to experience a sense of stability for once. Say you want to try the foster parent route but are unsure of where to start. This link is a perfect place to start. Here, you will be greeted with a plethora of options to choose from that will help you navigate the website so that you can find the answers you’re looking for. For example, if you want to simply start with the basics, this guide is a solid article, to begin with. Rachel Skousen covers all the basics and gives a general overview you may be asking yourself regarding foster care and how it works. It covers everything from deciding to become a foster parent to finances to home studies. It is definitely worth checking out as the first step in the foster parent process.

Now, say you have reviewed the general information and are really focused on the financial aspect of the whole process; this side section of the website goes into detail about any grants or loans you may be eligible to apply for. It will also give you the names of any organizations that give out these grants so you do not need to search endlessly for them. While this is all helpful for the general process of foster care, this article focuses on foster care in Michigan.

If you want to start with the basics and discover what children need in a loving home that is from Michigan, the photo listing page is the place to go. Here you can scroll through the plethora of children from all over the country, or you can specify and search for those in Michigan. This will give you the basic information about all the children and a biography about them detailing their personalities, likes and dislikes, and what type of environment they will thrive in the most. This will definitely allow you to really see who might be a perfect fit for you and your family. Perhaps you realize after searching through the profiles, that you jumped the gun a bit and want to make sure you qualify to even be a part of foster care in Michigan. has its own subset section of the website that handles everything adoption for each state, Michigan included. This page has all the answers you will need. For example, it will tell you all the basic information and criteria you will need to know to see if you are eligible to foster in Michigan. It will explain the proper age, income, and mentality needed to become a foster parent in Michigan.

Similar to the overall foster care article aforementioned, there is one specifically targeted at Michiganders. Liz Young writes it all out in her article. She explains everything from basic information to laws and adoption reviews of the different service providers in Michigan. There is basically no question that will go unanswered. If you want more specific information about the logistics of how the experience works, you can also look at this page. This will give you all the information you need on adoption/foster care laws in the state of Michigan. Once all of your questions regarding the general basics and logistics of foster care in Michigan are answered, for the time being, you can begin to look at the agencies to connect yourself with to find a child you want to make a part of your family. The directory will give you every agency available in Michigan to assist you.

Now, say you haven’t received every answer you wanted to, or say that you have and you just want more of a personalized testimony. The forum section is where you want to be. This is an open forum for you and any other prospective foster care parent to express any concern or ask any question you may have. Here, you will have the opportunity to discuss any and everything with real people that are going through the process simultaneously with you or with those who have already gone through the process and can offer advice. You simply need to post your question, comment, or concern and just wait as other visitors to guide you where you need to be.

However, say you are an expectant mother or couple in Michigan and want to consider placing your child up for adoption or foster care but are unaware of where to go. This page of the website is definitely worth navigating through. Here, you will be greeted with the profiles of multiple single parents and couples in Michigan that are waiting for a child to complete their families. You will be able to read through their stories, journeys, and reasonings for wanting to expand their family. It is from here that you can develop a sort of rapport with them through their words to see if they are what you want for your child.

As aforementioned, February is the month of love. It is when red makes its strongest appearance, the color most associated with love, passion, and human emotion—all three characteristics that exist within the children in foster care waiting to be adopted. And it’s only fair that they get to experience the type of love everyone longs for, especially during February. Most people long for someone to tell them that they love them every day and to solidify that love through words and actions. Why should those in orphanages and foster homes deserve any less? They deserve to experience all the love and happiness February, and every other month has to offer. Cupid deserves to come down and affect them as well. He isn’t solely reserved for adults. Children should experience his magic too.

I hope this article was able to assist you in receiving the answers you may need regarding foster care in Michigan. I hope you can use this article as a tool to help you uncover every last piece of the puzzle you are trying to complete in your foster care/adoption journey. And take it as purely that, a tool. Let this act as a stepping stone in your journey toward finding your forever family. I hope it also inspires you to take the meaning of February and turn it into something truly life-changing. Allow yourself to create a whole new meaning for the words “I love you.” Be someone else’s, St. Valentine. Show them that there is a Cupid out there for everyone. Give them the chance to believe in love.



Considering adoption? Let us help you on your journey to creating your forever family. Visit or call 1-800-ADOPT-98.
Matthew Eduard Biondi

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Matthew Eduard Biondi

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