As ours becomes an increasingly technological society, many more people who were adopted are searching for their biological families. Some are using Facebook hoping that many will share and re-post their information. Others are using the many popular DNA testing sites, such as 23andme. But adults in Missouri, such as Mary Pat Mitchell, are able to take advantage of a recently passed law that allows her to request her original birth certificate and any other information that may be in her adoption file. 

Prior to the passing of this new law, a court approval was needed  before adoptees could access their adoption records. Now records are open with one caveat: Birth parents can request that their names be kept private.

This is an important step for people wanting to know more about their biological background and heritage. Mary Pat hopes this will provide additional information about her biological parents, other than the very basic and limited information that was given to her by her adoption agency. While Mary Pat was adopted by a wonderful family and had the best upbringing possible, she wants to thank her biological mother for giving her the greatest gift and making such a tremendous sacrifice.

Mary Pat would not only love to learn about her biological mother and what she has accomplished in her life, she would also love to form a relationship with her if possible.

Many people, now adults, who were adopted as babies or children have similar stories. Years ago, basically all adoptions were closed and people were given very limited, if any, information regarding their heritage. Today, open adoption is becoming more popular and people are understanding the importance and right of everyone to have access to this basic information.

Many states, such as Missouri, having been passing laws to make it easier to gather this information. It has been shown to be beneficial for people who have been adopted to have this knowledge about their heritage. It allows for easier self-identity as they grow and become adults.