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Jillian from Taiwan



from Taiwan

March 2023 update – Since these siblings have not matched with a family, Taiwan is willing to consider placing these children with more than one family. If you've always imagined yourself surrounded by laughter, hugs, the pitter patter of little (and not so little) feet, and, if we're being honest, noise, you'll want to check out Joplin, Jake, Jewel, and Jillian. They are a precious sibling set of 4 who need a family ready for the adventure and joys of raising a large family. Sweet Jillian is 4 years old and a total snugglebunny. She likes dress-up, listening to music, and dancing. She's a great learner and has good oral expression. Parenting a large family is a beautiful, rewarding, and sometimes messy challenge and these 4 siblings will need parents who can walk with them through the hard places they come from and help them reacclimate to living together again. To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of the siblings, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
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