Jessica & Matthias

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)


Dear Expectant Parent(s)

We have been praying that you feel God’s guidance and peace through this journey.

Dear Expectant Parent(s)
We are excited about growing our family!
Our names are Jessica and Matthias, and we would like to start by recognizing how incredibly strong and courageous you are for considering adoption. We understand that this is likely not an easy time for you and we have been praying that you feel God’s guidance and peace through this journey.
We’d also like to thank you for looking at our profile to learn a bit about us and our journey to become parents through adoption. We are excited about growing our family, not only by becoming parents but also by welcoming you and your loved ones, if that relationship is something you are open to and think is best for the child.
Why Adoption

Since starting on this journey, we have found a sense of peace when it comes to growing our family.

Why Adoption
We have felt God’s presence every step of the way and we trust His plan for our family.
When we first started dating, we asked each other the typical getting-to-know-you questions, including, How many children do you want? (Matthias envisioned having three and Jessica said she’d prefer an even number, so two or four.) How far apart would you want them to be in age? (Matthias said every three or four years; Jessica said, “back-to-back.”) Would you want a boy or a girl? (We agreed either gender would be a blessing.) We also asked one more question: If we couldn’t have kids, would we want to adopt? For both of us, from the beginning of our relationship, we answered, “YES!”
After we got married, we decided to enjoy each other’s company for about a year before attempting to grow our family. That way we’d know how to live with each other once our future children left the house! After a year of trying, we sought out fertility specialists and went through three rounds of IUI, with no success. Because of our Catholic faith, IUI is the furthest we would go with fertility treatments, and we began to pray for an understanding of what we should do next. We were diagnosed with endometriosis and “unexplained infertility”; after spending lots of time undergoing tests and procedures, it was frustrating to still have no real answer. After three years of talking with fertility specialists and going through test after test we decided that there is no medical treatment for God’s timing.
After seven years of being together, and four years of marriage, we came back to our unusual first date questions and discerned we were being called to begin our journey with adoption. Since starting on this journey, we have found a sense of peace when it comes to growing our family. We have felt God’s presence every step of the way and we trust His plan for our family. Not only are we excited for this journey on a personal level, we are also excited to spread the word about the beauty of adoption and how families come in many forms.

They love being social and look forward to friends and family gatherings.

Both pups love going to the park, taking walks through our neighborhood, and snuggling up on the couch or in bed because personal space is merely a suggestion.
We have two fur babies - Gus Gus, a Maltese Yorkie (Morkie), and Maximus Decimus, a Brittany Spaniel.
Gus Gus (aka Gus/Goose/Gustivson) is the big brother who loves to play the moment we wake up and always greets us with a toy when we come home. His favorite toys are frisbees and balls, because ball is life, with which he really just wants to play tug-a-war with…all the time!
Gus’ little, but larger, brother, Maximus (aka Max/Maxipoo), loves food and will do anything for a treat. Max also enjoys using his natural hunting skills to chase flies and scare birds out of our backyard. Both pups love going to the park, taking walks through our neighborhood, and snuggling up on the couch or in bed because personal space is merely a suggestion. They love being social and look forward to friends and family gatherings – in fact, Gus Gus introduced us to our next-door neighbors the day we moved in.
We often tell the pups they can be spoiled but are not allowed to be rotten. They are great at socializing with other animals – their best friends are two large long-haired German Shepherds named Figo and Fozzy – and over the years we have also watched them interact with babies and toddlers and we can tell they are going to be the best big brothers and will share lots of kisses and toys.
Our Promise

We pray that you make the best decision possible for you and your child.

Our Promise
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little bit.
Thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little bit. If you choose adoption, we hope you prayerfully consider if we are the right match for you and your child. We cannot imagine what you may be going through at this moment in your life, but we can promise we will do our best to support you in every way we possibly can. Although we haven’t met you yet, we have been praying for you and your child daily and will continue to do so.
We pray for your health––physically, mentally, and emotionally. We pray that you make the best decision possible for you and your child. We pray that your family is understanding and respectful of the decision you make. Finally, if you choose adoption, we pray for the adopting family, that the Lord provides them with the skills they need to raise this precious child.
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