Michael & Laura

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)


Our Favorite Things
Our Favorite Things

On ordinary days our favorite things are playing board games as a family and playing outside together as a family. Samara and Peyton usually beat us at board games, but we can still beat them at Mario Kart racing on the Nintendo. No matter what game we play, it's always filled with laughs. In the evenings, we usually play a game after dinner or spend time outside. We have a small basketball court in our backyard, so often times we'll play basketball or four square as a family. On weekends that we aren't with extended family, we love going hiking, to the zoo, or just chilling at home playing games. When there are local events going on we usually attend those, such as parades and town festivals. We live in a small, close knit community. We all love bowling, putt putt, and going to an arcade as well! We love to vacation as a family! Usually we have one or two bigger vacations each year, and we always discuss what we all want to do the most. We really cherish being able to unplug and getaway to spend focused time together - just us. Some vacation spots that we hope to go to in the future are Seattle, Oregon, California, and Hawaii. We are doing our best to be intentional with our children. We both want to build such a strong and healthy connection with our children that when they are grown - our relationships are full of joy and light. We believe how we spend time with them and love them now will bring many, many benefits in the future! The things we value most would be our faith in Jesus, our community and family, gratitude, honesty, kindness, and joy. It is important to us to set ourselves and our children up for a long and healthy life! We do our best to find the balance between a holistic lifestyle while still enjoying all of the fun and enjoyable things life has to offer.

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