Sarah & Collin

Hoping to Adopt (Utah)


Nice to meet you!

Raising children in our home has always been a dream for both of us

Nice to meet you!
One of our engagement photos :)
Our names are Sarah and Collin Anderson. We are both Utah natives, albeit from different parts of the state. We met each other while serving as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Iowa, and started dating shortly after we both completed our service. Now we have been married for almost 10 years- how the time flies!

As you can probably guess, we are very hopeful to grow our family through adoption. Raising children in our home has always been a dream for both of us- up to this point though, it has not been in the cards for us biologically. We did act as foster parents for 7 months, but the children returned home after that time and we decided to move on to infertility treatments. Those did not end up working for us, but we haven't given up on the dream of having a family.
A little bit about us...

I love you mostest!

A little bit about us...
Us at a Valentines' Dance
About Collin, by Sarah
Collin is the love of my life. He is a hard worker and seeing him with our nieces and nephews along with neighborhood children just makes me love him more. Collin is a tech person who loves to find the solution to hard problems and is not afraid to work hard and learn new things. One thing that I really admire about him is his ability to show love for everyone!

About Sarah, by Collin
Sarah is amazing. That's her in one word. Any child would be lucky to have her as a mom, teacher, or even just a friend. She is kind to everyone around her, is really smart, and knows more about child development than anyone else I know. I don't know how she teaches reading to over 100 kids a day, but she does it! My favorite quote from her is "I love you mostest!"

The other member of our family is Kloof! He is our little dog and has brought so much joy to our lives. We love to call him so many different things, he responds to Kloofy, Kloofy the Pooh, Kloof Kloof, Puppy, Puppers, and so many more. We think that he is a Cavapoo and adopted him from the Humane Society when he was about 6 months old. He loves people and especially kids. Kloof loves to play and cuddle at home, and go on adventures with us outside. He is the gentlest dog we know.
Our Dream

Your child will know that they are adopted from day one, but they will be loved like any other member of our family.

Our Dream
Our family getting together
We hope to be able to give any child in our home a place to grow and feel loved. To achieve this dream our plan is for Sarah to be a stay at home Mom and for Collin to be a very involved Dad as well as our provider. We also want our children to know their identity and heritage. Your child will know that they are adopted from day one, but they will be loved like any other member of our family. We will also always be open with them and answer any questions they may have about their adoption in an age-appropriate manner.
Thank You

You have remarkable courage and love for your child.

Thank You
We Love You!
We wanted to end our letter by thanking you. The fact that you are even on this site, reading this, shows that you have remarkable courage and love for your child. We want you to know that we support you, no matter what you decide is best for them. Please know that you are not alone- God loves you, your child loves you, and we love you.

Collin & Sarah
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