Just 3-years-old, a little girl was abandoned at The Grove shopping center in L.A. There was apparent miscommunication between the girl’s great aunt and the father. And so this 3-year-old was dropped off at valet and left there.
With cameras not allowed into the court room, Only On CBS 2 reported outside of the court room. The reporter came up empty when seeking comment from the girl’s mother, but he was able to get a back story, which included information about both parents, separated by states, who share custody of the girl. Virginia Costello, her mother, apparently makes infrequent visits and hardly knows her. And the daughter doesn’t even know her mother’s name, according to DCFS attorneys.
The father, Joseph Merino, is under scrutiny for physical and substance abuse. The judge has ruled that, given so many questions as to the child’s safety, it is best to keep her in foster care for the time being. The full story may be red at CBSLocal.com.