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Samuel from Taiwan



from Taiwan

UPDATE Nov 2023: Samuel is a little almost 6 year old boy who was our block-stacking champion! He built a tower 16 blocks high. Every puzzle or matching challenge we gave him he did quickly and meticulously. And when we asked if it was hard or easy for him he said, “Easy!” Every time. He was well behaved and charming for us when we met him earlier this month, eagerly completing each thing we asked him to do. He had good fine and gross motor skills. He enjoyed playing with the ball and stringing beads. He is a sturdy little boy who seriously jumped from dot to colored dot on the floor just as Nancy demonstrated. When we asked him to draw a picture he drew a car. He used descriptive sentenced when asked to describe a picture in a book. I do feel compelled to add that when we exclaiming over how sweet and well behaved he was his social worker said he does have another side to him. He can be stubborn and difficult at times too. He is in Kindergarten and he likes to play inside more than outside. His favorite toys are Legos. He wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. His favorite food is eggs with tomatoes (good choice!), his favorite animal is a giraffe, and his favorite color is red. Samuel has had unclear speech for which he is receiving speech therapy. According to his social worker him has improved enough that he is now easy to understand. This sweet little guy needs a family to call his own. Could he be your son? ORIGNIAL POST: Join us as we introduce Samuel! Samuel is an energetic and strong willed 5 year old boy who loves outdoor activities, playing with robots, puzzles and watching movies! Samuel said he would like to become a policeman when he grows up. Samuel is not shy! He enjoys interacting with new people and likes playing in groups. His foster father said Samuel "feels especially loved when there are more people interacting with him." Samuel resides in a foster home and has a 2 year old foster sister. He has a close bond with his foster parents and often expresses his affection to them. Samuel has developmental delays and suspected ADHD. He attends occupational and speech therapy. During a recent visit with his social worker, Samuel demonstrated his ability to string beads together, stack blocks and draw with a pencil. His articulation and pronunciation have improved, and he is able to clearly express himself. Samuel also attends group therapy to help improve his interpersonal skills. If you are considering adoption and would like information about Samuel, please contact us at Superkids@gladney.org to review his profile. To protect a child's privacy, Taiwan has strict rules limiting public photos of children. To see more photos of Samuel, request to join Gladney's PRIVATE Taiwan Waiting Child Advocacy group on Facebook.
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