Taylor & Michael

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)


About Us

Adoption has been our first choice at creating a family, ever since we first discussed our love of family and our desire to create one ourselves.

About Us
We believe that we have so much love to create a family.
We are deeply grateful for your consideration in this process. Your strength and courage in doing so showcase the values encapsulated within the human spirit. It takes an extraordinary person to start this journey and your selflessness will forever be etched into our hearts, from the bottom of which we thank you.
We are Taylor and Michael (along with Tucker and Max), and we find ourselves incredibly lucky that our book found its way into your hands. Put simply, we are so incredibly excited to become parents.

Adoption has been our first choice at creating a family, ever since we first discussed our love of family and our desire to create one ourselves. We believe that we have so much love to create a family.

For two people who would generally rather talk about anything but themselves, putting our entire lives into a book like this is not going to be a simple task.

Our story begins with a chance meeting at work. We have been together for 6 years now and married for 2 of them. We have two dogs that we spoil rotten, and we would love, more than anything, to add a child into to the mix.
Our Story

As we continue building our life with our wonderful dogs, we can't wait to welcome a child into our family.

Our Story
Taylor and Michael would love to adopt siblings as they both loved growing up with built-in friends.
It all began for us in a conference room, when a coworker introduced us to one another. In what feels like the blink of an eye, we went from flirting in the work cafeteria, to a quick movie date, to vacations, to building a life together, to a beautiful fall wedding.

After moving in together, we adopted our first puppy, which is how our goldendoodle prince, Tucker, made us a family of three. During the pandemic, we got engaged. Taylor got an amazing job offer, and we moved across the country to make that happen, developing a new community of friends and transforming our new house into the perfect home all while planning a beautiful wedding.

Soon after moving into our new home, we flew back across the country to adopt Max, giving Tucker a younger sibling and bringing some much needed chaos and joy to our household.

A year later we got married in a beautiful ceremony that all of our friends and family were, luckily, able to attend. Now, as we continue building our life with our wonderful dogs, we can't wait to welcome a child into our family.

Taylor was adamant early into our relationship that she wanted to create a family through adoption. It didn't matter to Michael how the two were to welcome a child into the family, he was just excited to be a father some day.

When thinking about their future family, Taylor would love nothing more than to have twins, as they biologically run in her family. Michael is all onboard for "instant family", and both Taylor and Michael would love to adopt siblings as they both loved growing up with built-in friends. The two are just so excited to become parents.
Our Family

On a perfect day, we love to get the pups in the car, grab lattes and croissants from our favorite local spot, and take the boys to the park to run and sniff their hearts out.

Our Family
On top of our love for our family, we are also very committed to our relationship.
Our whole world revolves around our pups. On a perfect day, we love to get the pups in the car, grab lattes and croissants from our favorite local spot, and take the boys to the park to run and sniff their hearts out.

Michael will end the day grilling in the backyard with Tucker and Max running around, while Taylor picks out their movie or show to cuddle on the couch with.

On top of our love for our family, we are also very committed to our relationship.

We have consistent date nights, where we love to try new restaurants or activities (like the time Taylor took Michael to line dancing lessons or when Michael was thrilled to take Taylor to a magic show).

Our favorite place in the world is traveling back home to see family and friends in the Carolina's. But if it's just the two of us, Napa Valley has a special place in our heart, which is where we celebrate our anniversary.
Thank You!

They will always be reminded of who they are, where they came from, and the love that their birth parents have for them.

Thank You!
Please know that any child that joins our family will be loved abundantly and unconditionally.
We are grateful that you have taken the time to get to know us, and hope that this book has given you a glimpse into our lives and shown you the love that we have to share with a child.

Please know that any child that joins our family will be loved abundantly and unconditionally. They will be given every opportunity in life to pursue their dreams and reach for the stars. But most importantly, they will always be reminded of who they are, where they came from, and the love that their birth parents have for them.
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