Taylor & Michael

Hoping to Adopt (Texas)


Our Community
Our Community

Family has always been important to Taylor and Michael. Taylor's family was raised to be very independent; she can be close with her three siblings and parents without needing to chat every day. Michael was teased growing up for having a "Brady Bunch" type family; his parents and sister have always been some of the most important people in Michael's life. Their different upbringings and definitions of family has given Taylor and Michael the perfect balance of prioritizing close relationships and also independent identities. Although Taylor and Michael don't currently live close by to their family, their goal is to move closer in the next few years to allow their child to have a close connection with their families. Both Taylor and Michael's parents cannot wait to be grandparents. Being the first grand child in the family, their siblings are also thrilled to be doting aunts and an uncle. Since Taylor and Michael don't live close by to their biological family, they've been able to create an extended family through their supportive friends. Their neighbors, colleagues, and fellow community members quickly became pillars of strength, who continue to prove that family isn't solely defined by genetics. Life's special moments have taken on a deeper significance for Taylor and Michael, thanks to their supportive community. Weekly gatherings, impromptu barbecues, and holiday celebrations have became opportunities to share stories, offer advice, and extend unwavering support. The couple is also strong in their individual friendships. Taylor is a big fan of having girls' nights for dinners, walks, and concerts. Michael has created a yearly boys' weekend for board games and scary movies. Surrounded by friends who genuinely care, these occasions become cherished memories, reinforcing the idea that love and togetherness can create lasting joy.

About Michael by Taylor
About Michael by Taylor

On our first date, I knew Michael was "the one". Even though we barely knew each other, talking to Michael felt absolutely effortless and like I had known him forever. I knew I had found my home with him. Michael brings a sense of calm and ease to every person that he meets. He is always someone to rely on for a level-headed perspective, but lights up when passionate about the most obscure topics. I know that I can always rely on Michael to know facts about anything or Google my random questions. My favorite thing about Michael is his unwavering support for the people that he loves. He is the type of person that will listen intently when I have had the best and worst days, while rubbing my feet. Michael is always grateful to go out of his way to show his love through acts of kindness, like ordering my favorite candy, and words of affirmation. Michael is kind and truthful, and I see that shown in his relationships with friends and work. I love seeing how much caring about others means to him. I have loved getting to watch Michael grow into the most wonderful dog dad over the years. When he comes down the stairs from his office and Tucker and Max run up to him with tails wagging, it lights up my heart. No matter how many rounds of fetch that Max demands or how many times Tucker wants to play hide-n-seek, Michael loves to bring those he loves happiness.

About Taylor by Michael
About Taylor by Michael

When I met Taylor I knew I had found somebody special. She was kind, selfless and so funny it hurt to keep laughing. I just lucked out that she was beautiful on the outside too. Taylor is the most thoughtful, and kind hearted person you could ever know. She goes out of her way to make other people feel special, thought of, and heard. She takes the time to notice the little things and wont hesitate to get people little mementoes and gifts that made her think of them. She is a master of chaining together small gestures that over time feel so much larger when viewed together. She is the world's most supreme hostess and loves to have people over. Seeing people happy at a party she planned and threw is one of her favorite things, and her ability to plan the perfect get together makes her the pillar of any community that is lucky enough to have her. I would be remiss if I didn't mention how funny Taylor is on an alarmingly, consistent basis. She has a genuine sense of humor that combines so well with her smarts to just make her an absolute riot. She is the only person I know that can have me in stitches on a daily basis. Her friends swear by her, and I made sure to marry her because at the end of the day she is just a shining example of what it means to be a good and genuine person.

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