The Real Birth Moms Project | Part 7
Is your adoption closed, semi-open, or open?
As an adoptive mom, I feel like I have got the best education and insight from birth mothers. These amazing women often have misconceptions about them, and I am on a mission to help debunk some of those because they are some of the best people that I know. Did you know that only 1% of women in unwed pregnancies choose adoption? These are the 1% that I am proud to know and call my friends. This will be an ongoing series of asking questions to real birth moms to educate and hopefully show the world what is really in their hearts. If you are hoping to adopt I would highly recommend that you get to know and become friends with birth moms. It will be one of the best things you can do for your adoption!
Here is the next question in our project:
Is your adoption closed, semi-open, or open? Â
Super open. –Â Makena
My adoption is open. I love my open adoption. – Roanne
Semi-open. This is what I asked for. I have now longed for more, but until my child asks for more, it is more than enough. Its about the child’s needs and wants, not mine. Sometimes I have to remind myself that this is a hard part of my decision. – Alysia
After 17 years of involuntary estrangement, we have access to each other again! We are family! We’re a mess, but it’s perfect! THEY have adopted ME! We all look out for the best interest of the others and we all get what we need. I LOVE it! Closed adoption HURT! Unanswered questions, FEAR, worry, and so much missing! – Tamra
It is VERY open, and I feel like that is what I need to heal. I get to see her happy and taken care of. I’m still involved, and my family is still involved and that makes them happy too. It’s just happiness all around. – Lauren
My adoption is completely open. I see him whenever I want (I give respect, though, and space). I see him about once a week for an hour (by that time I decide to go). –Â Lauren
My adoption is open. I love them as if they were my family. I feel as if they adopted me, too. I honestly, think that the openness helps my healing. To be able to see her from time to time and watch her grow and watch them all together makes my heart happy. – Catarina
Semi-open. I wish it was fully open. – Sherri
Closed. It’s what I know, so it’s okay. – Melanie
My adoption is semi-open. – Lindsey
With my first, it was only supposed to be semi open. Because of the adoptive parents wanting more, we now have an open adoption. It’s been pretty great lately. – Jeanie
It is open. There are days I wish it was a little more open. – Shanna
Open! And it’s what I need and want. – Rachel
Semi-open. – Margaret
Closed and sealed. We are reunited and are still being denied our files. – Bridget
There was NO choice. It was closed. – Annette
Semi-open. Every stage of adoption has changed when we reach it, and I’ve learned to adjust to the stage. I am always open for more visits. – Katelyn
My first one is completely closed, which I hate, and the other one is open, which makes me feel so much peace. – Sonya
Want to read more? Go to:
The Real Birth Moms Project | Part One
The Real Birth Moms Project | Part Two
The Real Birth Moms Project | Part Three
The Real Birth Moms Project | Part Four
The Real Birth Moms Project | Part Five
The Real Birth Moms Project | Part Six
Are you a birth mother? Answer this question in the comments below! Let’s all educate the world on REAL birth moms and not stereotypes.
Is your adoption closed, semi-open, or open? Â