Jackie from Vermont

from Vermont
- Age 11
- Gender Female
- Location Vermont
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number Jackie-Vermont
- Inquire about this child
- Favorite this child
Name: Jackie
Age: 10
My favorite things: sports, reading, fishing,
riding my bicycle, camping, swimming
Things I do not like: onions, spicy food. I do not
like alcohol being around me. The smell of
alcohol makes me very nervous.
Favorite foods: fruit, yogurt, pizza
What I want in a family: a happy and active
What I want families to know about me: I am friendly and outgoing and love
adult attention.
What we want families to know about the youth: Knowledge of trauma is
important. Jackie experiences big emotions but she has a hard time sharing
about them and asking for help. She would likely do best either in a home with
older children that can be role models for her or in a home where she is an only
child. Continuing her counseling is very important. She enjoys therapy and is
working on identifying her feelings and asking for help. She thrives on routine
and structure. She enjoys helping adults.
Contact Information:
Kirk Brewster (Best Way) kirkb@lundvt.org or 802-772-0703