Last fall I bought a 23andMe DNA for my wife as an anniversary gift. In March (about 7 weeks ago)she and her birth mother made first contact. We spent a lot of time chatting on the phone and skype. Then she came with her partner to visit and everything changed. They've been gone about 10 days and our house is now on the market and all of our things are being sold. My wife is moving in with her mom (in a different state) and I'm left out in the cold. She says that she just doesn't care about anything other than being with her mom. She doesn't know if she wants to be with me anymore, this is her entire life now. They won't engage with me at all and I just can't understand what I've done to make them hate me so much. No one has spoken to me or told me any reasons. I don't know what to do now. I am trying so hard to be understanding, but how can she throw away our marriage for something that she does not yet know? I would never try to come in between them, I just wanted some time with her too. I have tried to be supportive and I still do. I make myself scarce when they are talking and try not be pushy with any questions or demands, but I'm afraid my marriage is over. What do I do?