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Popular Baby Names starting with L for female

Name Meaning Gender Origin Similar
Lyris player of the lyre Female Greek -
Lysa a form of Lisa Female Hebrew -
Lysandra Defends man. Female Greek -
Lysanias That drives away sorrow. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name] Female Biblical -
Lysanor Mother of Boore. Female Arthurian-Legend -
Lysias Dissolving. Female Biblical -
Lysimache Daughter of Priam. Female Latin -
Lysimachus Scattering the battle. Female Biblical -
Lysippe An Amazon. Female Latin -
Lyssa Honey. Abbreviation of Melissa; Lissandra; Alyssa. Female English -
Lystra That dissolves or disperses. Female Biblical -
lyuna Lover Female Indian -
Lyvia Life. Ancient Roman name. Also an abbreviation of Olivia. Female English -
Lyza Abbreviation of Elizabeth and Eliza. Female English -
Lyzbeth Abbreviation of Elizabeth. Female English -
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